tourism in a sentence

Use ‘tourism’ in a sentence | ‘tourism’ example sentences

1- Better roads means more traffic and more tourism .

2- My current favorite for daytime skate tourism .

3- tourism activity has generally been increasingly robust since the last report.

4- tourism activity has been increasingly brisk since the last report.

5- Sustainable tourism businesses assist locally based social and environmental projects.

6- The development of tourism is severely hampered.

7- He has been given commerce and tourism .

8- Press trips are something tourism ministries everywhere provide for travel writers.

9- The tourism industry had been devastated in both cities.

10- This fund is used to promote tourism .

11- Nowadays tourism is again the main economic activity.

12- tourism activity remained strong in five districts.

13- Our tourism industry has been adversely affected by recent events.

14- Dental tourism is very popular these days.

15- The terms tourism and travel are sometimes used interchangeably.

16- tourism has become a popular global leisure activity.

17- tourism is directly impacted in affected countries.

18- The province has grown a large tourism industry since 1994.

19- In recent years tourism has also become increasingly important.

20- Its main economic activities are fishing and tourism .

21- The idea of alternative tourism was discussed.

22- This has reduced revenue from domestic tourism .

23- Regular ferry services have boosted tourism visitor numbers.

24- The local economy has a significant tourism arm.

25- Seasonal and tourism related employment is significant.

26- The development is mainly for tourism purposes.

27- It is pitched as “responsible tourism “.

28- tourism is gradually becoming a productive sector.

29- The company offers various travel and tourism related services.

30- Canada has entered the medical tourism field.

31- The major industries are tourism and fishing.

32- These sites can generate significant tourism revenue.

33- The economy is almost completely based on tourism .

34- The economy is aided by wildlife tourism .

35- The canal today is a heritage tourism destination.

36- The townspeople were hesitant to support tourism .

37- This helped develop a strong tourism industry.

38- Increased tourism provides regional and national economic benefits. Jobs in the tourism sector have risen by over 5% this year.

39- South Africa’s tourism industry has boomed in recent years.

40- Victoria is quickly becoming a flourishing center for bicycle tourism.

41- With this poor weather, it has been a lean year for tourism in Boston.

42- The main source of summer jobs for young people in this area is tourism.

43- tourism has displaced fishing as this state’s principal source of revenue.

44- tourism has been the biggest growth sector in the Greek economy since the 1970s.

45- The country of North Korea is almost completely unexploited by commercial tourism.

46- tourism is currently Cambodia’s fastest growing industry, with arrivals up 34% in 2000.

47- The black pearl industry is French Polynesia’s largest source of revenue, after tourism.

48- tourism, especially skiing, is the principal economic activity of the nation of Andorra.

More Sentences: 1234
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