run a tight ship in a sentence

Use ‘run a tight ship’ in a sentence | ‘run a tight ship’ example sentences

1- We run a tighter ship on comment moderation nowadays.

2- We ‘re running a tight ship here.

3- The park is clean and the owner runs a tight ship .

4- They run a tight ship and they too understand customer service.

5- Part of that is running a tight ship .

6- Additionally, Wendy runs a tight ship .

7- He has no rules , I run a tighter ship .

8- Staying ahead of the curve requires more than running a tight ship .

9- It ‘s pretty clear why Page is trying to run a tighter ship .

10- The chief runs a tight ship and frequently clashes with Willard over authority.

11- Larry runs a tight ship and has a great crew working for him.

12- Ezrin ran a tight ship and many of the sessions were grueling.

13- Paul Stapleton runs a tight ship and the club is on fairly stable ground.

14- Compared to Agere Systems, LSI Logic has run a tight ship .

15- She ran a tight ship and was trusted, as was the cashier, Ple.

16- Malina runs a tight ship .

17- Denzil Minnan-Wong compared the two mayors, saying “Hazel McCallion runs a tight ship .

18- We run a tight ship at Gear Report, which dictated mostly “budget tactical gear”.

19- Say what you will about him but Mr. Am ran a tighter ship than Mussolini.

20- In addition, as always, FLW runs a tight ship , and a no-nonsense business.

21- Our new Chairman, Brian Murphy runs a tight ship and the discussion was frank and structured.

22- The counselors ran a tight ship and everyone was willing and able to accomplish their tasks with ease.

23- We like to think we run a tight ship , for our own benefit and to also benefit our customers.

24- For these governors, “fiscal conservatism” meant running a tight ship within the prevailing center-left consensus in their states.

25- Don’t let the sweet looks fool you, these ladies run a tight ship and know how to get things.

26- I will be running a tighter ship , and I will be speaking to each of you personally about my expectations of you.

27- Just because a number have done so by spending what they do not have does not mean this should not be available to those who run a tight ship and live within their limits.

28- Many managers like to run a tight ship that is focused on the task at hand–all business and no chit chat.

29- Members of the committee will see that savings continue to come through on the school meals service and this is to a very considerable extent, the result that the ethos of the previous Conversative administration which ran a tight ship and positively encourage deficiency.

30- Jill ran a tight ship , and around the end of every summer, each team was expected to have a good idea of next year’s spending plans.

31- Rogers on European credibility: “If Greece went bankrupt it would send the signal to the world, and to the rest of Europe – ok, we’re not going to let people lie about their finance anymore, we are not going to let them spend money they don’t have, we are going to run a tight ship .

32- The question that remains is should an individual with a seat of power over his workers run a tight ship or cut them some slack every once in a while?

33- For years the opposing characteristics in managers have left a dividing line between those who run a tight ship and those who make their employees feel miserable in the line of work.

34- Now practically half-a-century old, the Lopez Museum finds itself precisely at that precarious perch, of having to run a tight ship amidst a rapidly changing communications technology landscape.

35- Also as the country’s finance minister, he promised to run a tight ship to prevent “the excesses of the past.” He also announced a strong focus on the youth, whose unemployment is around 40 percent, saying they will play a role in his cabinet and in development initiatives.

36- Page 27 of 61 1887-2012 – A SHORT HISTORY “Mr. Thompson ran a tight ship ,” says legal assistant Sibyl Cornelsen.

37- A friend of Gina’s, Julie O’Dea, was in charge of the tickets; for the past few weeks, her flat had been a temporary box-office and she was running a tight ship ; all committee members who took tickets were responsible for the money they owed.

38- He was known to be a tough boss who ran a tight ship : hiring teenagers to work as busboys for low wages, and street thugs who doubled as waiters and bouncers.

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