personal ties in a sentence

Use ‘personal ties’ in a sentence | ‘personal ties’ example sentences

1- Teams with close personal ties often play each other.

2- This involves personal ties between those in elite positions in society.

3- Generally, strong personal ties are supported by physical proximity.

4- They also share personal ties to the area.

5- This assortment of personal ties is one type of social network.

6- personal ties between Britons and locals on the site evidently run deep .

7- Nina has had long personal ties with Walter and romantic interactions with William.

8- Because of this, they develop clannish relationships and long-standing personal ties .

9- This is a strong affection which arises out of the personal ties between initiates.

10- Matrimony and personal ties continued to be the principal means of solidifying business interests.

11- Gradually the personal ties linking vassals with lords were replaced with contractual and more impersonal relationships.

12- The conspiracy was a product of shared interest, however, rather than strong personal ties .

13- Ben Reilly was established as an African-American lab assistant with no personal ties to Peter.

14- However, some mutual benefit from these personal ties was less focused on the public good.

15- He differs with Quinn on several key issues , but the two have forged personal ties .

16- These personal ties fulfilled real business functions before the advent of institutional organization in the 20th century.

17- Despite Green’s personal ties to Nader, he did not support Nader’s presidential campaigns.

18- Minister Đồng’s personal ties with Australian, Taiwanese and South Korean officials benefited Vietnamese veterans.

19- For instance, mentoring is a good way to make personal ties to more experienced virtual team professionals.

20- personal ties could help journalists obtain information on which to base news stories the public should know about.

21- Ahmadinejad used mosque networks and his personal ties to the Revolutionary Guards and Basij for his campaign.

22- Khodorkovsky has also personal ties to Switzerland where his wife Inna and two of his children reside.

23- His success was predominantly because of his ability to create personal ties , especially with the local Rajas.

24- Crucially, they build up personal ties among regional militaries and reduce the likelihood of misunderstanding or miscalculation. The personal ties to Murdoch interests and family were debated as Dinh took the role in the phone-hacking investigation.

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