tidy profit in a sentence

Use ‘tidy profit’ in a sentence | ‘tidy profit’ example sentences

1- And of course, make the incubator a tidy profit .

2- The first movie earned a tidy profit , so a sequel was inevitable.

3- I even sold a good number of them for a tidy profit .

4- Nevertheless that blip was long enough for someone to make a tidy profit .

5- He has sold no less than five cars, each one at a tidy profit .

6- Absolute amateur bunglers out to make a tidy profit !! Is this the problem?

7- The “family” lawyer should make another tidy profit when it comes time for the three-way divorce.

8- Two years ago they sold their home (for a tidy profit ) and upgraded to a bigger house.

9- Until now they have made a tidy profit from selling re-issued pop hits from the fifties, sixties and seventies.

10- Eaton bought land as a private citizen, hoping to sell it back to Los Angeles at a tidy profit .

11- So IDS is possibly holding onto options that he will only pay for when he cashes them in at a tidy profit .

12- Simmons Mattress Company, a company founded in 1886, suffered a similar downward spiral after Wesray and partners bought it in 1986 for $120 million (almost all of it borrowed) and sold it in 1989 for $241 million, making Simon a tidy profit .

13- Both German and Polish farmers made a tidy profit from the deal, and on paper it looked as if the Commission had ‘Germanised’ a farm.

14- They sold their more interested in money than fame, and sold out for a tidy profit before the first oil glut and resulting price crash occurred in 1863.

15- Quite aside from anything else, Everton FC was turning a tidy profit from its successful start in the Football League and the large crowds that turned out to watch the team.

16- Still, what is important here is that you know who your audience is, and you know how to best cater to their needs (and still end up with a tidy profit , right?).

17- Having invested in the production she controlled the screen rights, which she ultimately sold to MGM in return for a tidy profit and a guarantee by the studio that she would play the lead in the film version.

18- For if households can properly insulate their homes and install small-scale renewable technologies – such as solar panels – they become independent of energy companies, and turn a tidy profit by selling electricity back to the grid.

19- When will they get like this there’s no sense in arguing with them is that there are professional “Doctor shoppers” astonishment a tidy profit each clay from OxyContin.

20- Maybe the Moscow Patriarchate will next publish calendars for “history buffs” that feature Agrippa I, Nero, Diocletian and other persecutors of the Church and Christians, in a positive light, all for the sake of a tidy profit .

21- With Sophie on board, the team constructs an elaborate plan to con Dubenich, recover the plans and make a tidy profit .

22- Tradesmen could be sure to make a tidy profit from selling their wares to the soldiers, and sutlers often became camp followers, following a regiment, whilst on campaign.

23- In Xinzhou, Shanxi, a new complex of 1,578 apartments on the local government’s list of designated social housing was almost entirely reserved for local officials, many were ‘flipped’ for tidy profits even before construction was completed.

24- The young entrepreneur saw a good thing evolving and with three other collectors chipped in and bought 100 copies from the defunct Planet label and sold them to Irving “Slim” Rose for a tidy profit .

25- Because he has stocked it with professional players who were drafted, he makes a tidy profit playing other units and betting on the results.

26- The two Steves and their small crew spent day and night building and testing the computers and delivered to Terrell on time to pay his suppliers and have a tidy profit left over for their celebration and next order.

27- In the interim, he would trade these goods with peoples further upstream and all over the archipelago, the end result being that other locals were not able to buy anything from the Chinese directly, but from Lakandula, who made a tidy profit as a result.

28- By the end of the season, Gernreich had sold 3000 swimsuits at $24 a piece, which meant a tidy profit for such a minuscule amount of fabric.

29- Throughout the 1980s, the baseball card market boomed, with new collectors getting into the hobby as well as speculators hoarding cards in hopes of selling them off later for a tidy profit .

30- As between the two heavyweights, Reed and Pearson, Reed has been added to at the start of the period (financed from the sale of Pearson shares); the additional Reed shares were sold off in the autumn of 1991, thereby realising a tidy profit for the Portfolio.

31- Moreover, this differential in values was exploited by speculators, who purchased unbacked currency at a severe discount with gold-backed notes and then pressured Congress into redemption of the same at a 1-to-1 rate – thereby netting the speculator a tidy profit .

32- They were able to make tidy profits by merely threatening LBOs of large, blue-chip companies in which they had built up equity positions.

33- Whether you are making organic artisan soaps or running a high-end design firm, systems can make the difference between success and failure, chaos and peace of mind, or most importantly, breaking even or turning a tidy profit .

34- Though banned for life from the NBA and under orders to sell the team, Sterling will likely collect a tidy profit from his years of ownership.

35- Venice grew rich from buying spices and textiles from the Middle East and selling them to the rest of Europe for a tidy profit , while at the same time enthusiastically taking part in the Crusades against the Saracens.

36- If they can hold their nerve, and make the right call, they’ll walk away with the loot and a tidy profit !

37- And now Monsanto has developed seeds that will weather the effect of the sprays, creating a tidy profit for the corporation while organics suffer.

38- Don Hutchison, Joe Allon and Rob McKinnon have all departed for £525,000, and all been adequately replaced with a tidy profit to offset long-term debts.

39- In each case market sentiment will play a large factor as this story plays out and timely technical analysis can often lead to tidy profits . They made a tidy profit on their house when they sold it.

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