thralls in a sentence

Use ‘thralls’ in a sentence | ‘thralls’ example sentences

1- Then thralls brought meat and drink in golden dishes.

2- Even the escaped thralls are thus not truly free.

3- thralls were the lowest ranking class and were slaves.

4- Now these thralls sought to become masters of chaos themselves.

5- Four more Mayan thralls rise from the pool.

6- He had ten thralls that he had got in Ireland.

7- A pair of Mayan thralls emerges from the pool ahead.

8- So he set the thralls to help pull the plow.

9- They saw the ten thralls sitting about a bonfire eating.

10- His Theodish thralls were not thrilled he was running for office.

11- There thralls were boiling the horseflesh in pots over the fire.

12- You’ll encounter a 2 Viking thralls on the way down.

13- So the thralls served from the middle of the. room.

14- The thralls were now battle-hardened and had become increasingly psionically adept.

15- thralls have been built in this cellar about the 16th century.

16- Then the thralls heaped a mound of earth over the ship.

17- Before them walked thralls carrying candles.

18- They stayed with a local family, Joseph and Sarah thralls .

19- The thralls won’t pursue and instead retreat farther back into the room.

20- Ingolf still sent his thralls out to look for the pillars.

21- Slaves, known as thralls in Old Norse.

22- According to the Rigsthula, thralls were despised and looked down upon.

23- While the thralls were at work, the men stood together and talked.

24- There’s another pair of Viking thralls at the bottom of the ramp.

25- But that same day the thralls came back from looking for the posts.

26- By this time the world was in the thralls of an energy crisis.

27- And the thralls should go down to the Trolls Might Blow pretty effectively.

28- They were wealthy and owned large estates with huge longhouses, horses and many thralls .

29- Has an unhealthy obsession with the smell (and taste) of human thralls .

30- When you’ve destroyed them 2 more thralls rise up to take their place.

31- At the end of the feast Ingolf had his thralls dig these pillars up.

32- When the first group has been destroyed, another 3 human thralls emerge from the pool.

33- Thorgisl, his infant son and several others were then abandoned there by their thralls .

34- Icelanders were constantly fighting each other, taking war captives, and making them into thralls .

35- In that post you asserted that thralls were largely war captives from Icelanders fighting each other.

36- Both terms emphasise that they were voluntarily in service of another, as opposed to thralls .

37- Before a meal thralls brought trestles into the feast hall and set them before the benches.

38- Before she can get up again, we see more thralls lumbering along the hallway.

39- When convenient and accounted for hundreds of thralls would transport the merchandise between the several separate harbours.

40- New thralls was supplied by either the sons and daughters of thralls or they were captured abroad. Trocchi was then deep in the thralls of heroin addiction; he even failed to attend his own launch party for Cain’s Book.

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