third degree in a sentence

Use ‘third degree’ in a sentence | ‘third degree’ example sentences

1- third degree burns necessitate urgent medical attention.

2- third degree frost bite is when permanent skin damage occurs.

3- Three workers suffered second and third degree burns.

4- Examples of third degree price discrimination abound.

5- No pain is present with a third degree burn.

6- third degree price discrimination is the most prevalent type.

7- The burn is severe ( third degree ).

8- The legend of the third degree . 4.

9- The third degree wears a black medallion.

10- This is the condition for profit maximization under third degree monopoly.

11- third degree sprains mean that the ligament has been completely torn.

12- Fourth-degree burns require the same attention as third degree burns.

13- Even women were not exempt from third degree tortures.

14- She has a third degree black belt in taekwondo.

15- But the third degree was not a new invention.

16- And that is the record of the earliest third degree .

17- third degree burns are injuries that extend to every layer of skin.

18- Gosnell has been charged with third degree murder in her death.

19- Moreover, third degree burn victims are also highly susceptible to infection.

20- Odometer fraud, third degree , penalty.

21- These offenses would be considered second or third degree felonies.

22- third degree burns are extremely severe.

23- Odometer fraud in the third degree is a class C misdemeanor.

24- third degree burns are severe and should reflect that in the effect.

25- The angle adds the third degree of freedom to this rotation representation.

26- She suffered from third degree burns in 54% of her body.

27- I was given the third degree .

28- And who are you to be giving me a third degree ?

29- The most severe third degree burns require a surgical procedure called skin grafting.

30- The Hiramic Legend is the heart of the third degree ritual.

31- In 1868 he received the third degree and became a master mason.

32- I then got the third degree .

34- Perhaps a further reference to the doctrine of the third degree .

35- And he–yes–and he recently took his third degree .

36- Needless to say, she experienced third degree burns on her face.

37- Upon reaching the third degree , a gentleman is a full member.

38- These turn out to be the solutions of a third degree equation. The suspect was given the third degree until he confessed his crime.

39- Easter had burns to 75 per cent of his body, most of them third degree.

40- A third degree felony carries up to five years in prison and a fine up to $10,000 fine.

41- Last August, she suffered third degree burns on all four paws, making it too painful to walk.

42- Uyesugi was arrested for third degree criminal property damage.

43- A minor in possession of an automatic firearm, sawed off shotgun, or sawed off rifle is guilty of a third degree felony under state law.

44- The explosion was hot enough to induce third degree burns at 100 km distance.

45- The third degree Burners are also one of the few squadrons whose carrier ship has been shown.

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