thickset in a sentence

Use ‘thickset’ in a sentence | ‘thickset’ example sentences

1- Their thickset bodies rest on stocky legs, and they have concave backs.

2- Its thickset body rests on stocky legs and it has a concave back .

3- Toads have a fat, thickset body with a broad, round head.

4- Large thickset birds, with necks relatively longer than most ducks, and legs comparatively short.

5- Despite his thickset physique, Williams was a master of body language and physical “stage business.

6- The man was thickset and heavy, like a rugby player, the woman thin and bony.

7- He is friendly and thickset ; a rigger who weighs about 100 kilograms, he falls fast.

8- The body is heavy and fairly thickset , and the contrasting skin surface markings consist of zigzag or diamond-shaped patterns.

9- DANIEL DREIBERG, 44, thickset and bespectacled, walks with the heavy gait of an athlete gone to seed.

10- This level of social awareness was thought to have originated about 50 thousand years ago among our thickset cousins the Neanderthals.

11- A thickset , sulky presence, Sir David was ‘absolutely determined’ to stay in position and complete more reforms.

12- Cernuda was struck by the contrast between Lorca’s large, eloquent, melancholy eyes and his thickset peasant’s body.

13- All of Miller’s characters were short and thickset at first, but he stretched them out as he went along.

14- He was thickset with a broad forehead and full beard and very light-coloured, widely set eyes that could be most intimidating.

15- There was a thickset man who stared blankly up at Crouch; a thinner and more nervous-looking man, whose eyes were darting around the crowd; a woman with thick, shining dark hair and heavily hooded eyes, who was sitting in the chained chair as though it were a throne; and a boy in his late teens, who looked nothing short of petrified.

16- My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a watered shoot; My heart is like an apple tree Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit; My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these Because my love is come to me.

17- George was much as the wanted posters described him: 5’7&ins; tall, thickset , ruddy complexioned, and with the appearance of a country farmer.

18- His lips were enormous, his chin protruded aggressively, his brow was exceedingly low, and his nose was almost like a snout; and in addition to these, Mesullam had a coarse and wrinkled skin and a clumsy, thickset body, which was carelessly draped in a dirty white shawl.

19- He was in his mid-thirties, about five feet eight inches tall, thickset and, by his own standards, immaculately dressed.

20- Here are the churches of Louis XIII., heavy, squat, thickset , crowded together, loaded with a dome like a hump.

21- I watched them leave, paying particular attention to Mathilda and how she held the arm of a grizzle-haired, thickset man who appeared to be her father.

22- Michael Pat was small, thickset and muscly, with large shovelly hands near his body, like a mole’s, and he seemed to have a very large head, proportionate to his body as a baby’s is to its body.

23- Lane had been assisted by a woman police officer, Detective -Sergeant Phyllis Henley, a thickset girl, whom he had called in because she was an old friend or enemy of Roxie whose own life had not been without criminal excitements.

24- Walsh was described by Philippe Naughton in “The Times” as “tall, paunchy, balding and thickset … a burly confidence that exudes from every pore…a bluff Mancunian whose blokeish humour masks a fiercely competitive nature”.

25- Pieter is described as a thickset man with a big square face with narrow eyes, and heavy jowls resting on a bullish neck.

26- Answering to the nickname of “Puddin'”, Ponsford was a thickset man, weighing in at around 13 stone during his playing career.

27- Its shoulder height can range from 1 to 1.7 m and its head-and-body length can range from 1.7 to 3.4 m. Compared with other large bovids, it has a long but stocky body (the body length can exceed the wild water buffalo, which is rather heavier and taller) and short but thickset legs, resulting in a relatively short standing height.

28- Walter is small, thickset , and white-whiskered; he does everything with patient slowness and, once started, he’s impossible to stop.

29- There was a detective inspector, a thickset man of about his own age, athletic-looking but red in the face and with reddish hair, and a detective sergeant, a bit younger, dark with a wedge-shaped rodent face, a beanpole of a man.

30- The same pugnacious jaws, the same steely eyes and, worst of all, the same muscular thickset build – they answered to nothing in their mother’s self-portrait.

31- The castle’s royal quarters and three of its four thin and elegant Frankish towers were demolished and replaced by thickset circular towers that could better withstand cannon fire.

32- Vitruvius recommends the widest possible spacing between the temple columns, producing a light and airy space, and he offers Venus’s temple in Caesar’s forum as an example of how not to do it; the densely spaced, thickset columns darken the interior, hide the temple doors and crowd the walkways, so that matrons who wish to honour the goddess must enter her temple in single file, rather than arm-in arm.

33- Four knights at least, all Grey’s men; and a rugged, thickset figure in half-armour, whose seat in the saddle was familiar, even if the black horse under him had not been so signally ornamented with his blazon.

34- Short, rather thickset , with dark curling hair, dark eyes, and freckles, she looked as if she would be most at home with dogs and horses, or with bared arms scrubbing a dairy down, and perhaps she was, but she was also very intelligent, highly imaginative, and easily my best student.

35- In stew ponds, carp with these characteristics spawned with the true ‘wild’ carp to produce intermediate progeny – commons with the thickset build of mirror carp, or even fish known as ‘fully-scaled mirrors’, where enlarged, reflective scales cover the whole body.

36- This seven minute monster is wide awake, flicking its beastly tail from side to side as sparkling guitar riffs wade through a thickset bass and drum.

37- And now, on a particular social occasion in the novel, he’s introduced to Bergotte at a gathering in the Faubourg Saint Germain erm and he’s shocked at what seems to be the gap between the man who faces him and the author whose works he has so admired, and he writes, ‘My greeting was returned by a youthful, uncouth, small, thickset , shortsighted person, with a red nose, curled like a snail’s shell, and a black tuft on his chin.

38- No, he hadn’t forgotten Simon the carpenter, one of his more errant parishioners, a florid-faced, thickset man with an evil temper and a long Welsh dagger.

39- A thickset man ‘with black hair and blue beard,’ in a loose kind of frock, stept up to him; it was, as Fevrier and the bystanders bethought them, one Paris of the old King’s-Guard.

40- She said something to the man who was with her, a thickset , dark-featured fellow, who stood with his hands in the pockets of his anorak frowning at the flood water. The African Crimson-winged Finch (Rhodopechys sanguineus alienus), is a pale-colored thickset finch with a heavy, dull yellowish bill.

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