theologies in a sentence

Use ‘theologies’ in a sentence | ‘theologies’ example sentences

1- That is why we need theologies of atonement.

2- The church has adopted the terminology and trappings of traditional theologies .

3- theologies of fear invariably drive folks towards dour conservatism.

4- Some interpretations of original sin are rejected by other Christian theologies .

5- Entire theologies have been built around this single verse.

6- With the influx of new citizens came new theologies .

7- It antedates theologies and is independent of philosophies.

8- Modern liberal theologies have moved strongly away from images of this kind.

9- Several theologies have opposed forms of matriarchy.

10- Where and how do new theologies and theories of culture intersect?

11- Varied philosophies, theologies , and pedagogies distinguish private schools.

12- The local cults of various deities developed theologies centered on their own patron gods.

13- Both of these theologies have similarities to latter day Unitarianism.

14- He also stated that “atheism is the least plausible of all theologies .

15- He suggests next steps for further expanding readers’ awareness of non-Western theologies .

16- There’s some good basic systematic theologies and you will love that.

17- Mainline churches hold a wide range of theologies –conservative, moderate and liberal.

18- American Jews often know relatively little about the theologies of Judaism as well!

19- Eucharistic theologies contrasted – views of a number of churches regarding Eucharistic theology, contrasted.

20- Non-realist theologies have, of course, never shied away from questions of substance.

21- Is the interreligious encounter legitimated by or compromising our deep-seated beliefs and theologies ?

22- The concept of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin put an end to these metaphysical theologies .

23- Musto, Ronald G. “Liberation theologies : A Research Guide.

24- Religions, theologies , and mystical traditions worldwide have attempted to reconcile us to death.

25- Baptist theologian Erickson has responded in various works to innovative theologies of the last several decades.

26- In practice the theologies of Charity, Piety and Purgatory supported each other.

27- I highly recommend this as one of the best New Testament theologies out there.

28- Christian theologies answer questions about the nature, function, and meaning of justification quite differently.

29- Theistic evolution and evolutionary creationism are theologies that reconcile belief in a creator with biological evolution.

30- The Southeastern Jurisdiction of Methodist Bishops responded by passing a resolution against death-of-god theologies .

31- Peyotism drew upon earlier ceremonies from northern Mexico and traditional theologies from the southern Plains cultures.

32- Despite this, whole theologies have been erected on the theme of the Creator Spirit.

33- Bibliographies with each chapter that cross-reference subjects to a wide range of other systematic theologies .

34- In some theologies just this inference was drawn so that only God knew truly and fully.

35- After the Reformation protestant groups continued to splinter, leading to a range of new theologies .

36- Congregationalism was one of the outcomes of dissenting theologies arising in England in the sixteenth century.

37- A tree of life is a common motif in various world theologies , mythologies, and philosophies.

38- But it assumes a dichotomy between nature and supernature that oversimplifies the theologies of the past.

39- Around this Truth there is a scaffolding of words, of theologies , and of exposition.

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