theologian in a sentence 2

Use ‘theologian’ in a sentence | ‘theologian’ example sentences

51- Emmanuel Schelstrate (1649 – 6 April 1692) was a Catholic theologian born at Antwerp in 1649.

52- Nicolas d’Orbellis was a French Franciscan theologian and philosopher, of the Scotist school.

53- Confessio catholica is one of the main works of German Orthodox Lutheran theologian Johann Gerhard (1582-1637).

54- He was already respected as a logician, Hebraist, and theologian, and engaged in disputes with ‘heretics’ and ‘papists’.

55- theologian Reinhold Neibuhr commented on the manuscript that “I know of no record of spititual pilgrimage more authentic.

56- A fascinating account of how “Hegel became Hegel”, using the guiding hypothesis that Hegel “was basically a theologian manqué”.

57- Jean, Cardinal du Bellay, Dean of the Sacred College, was bishop from 1546 to 1556; and Bouvier, the theologian from 1834 to 1854.

58- ” Lubbertus disputed Grotius competence to consider religious matters since he was a legal expert rather than a trained theologian.

59- Henry Pendleton (born at Manchester ; died in London, September, 1557) was an English churchman, a theologian and controversialist.

60- Professor and theologian After attending the Seminary of Montreal (from where he obtained a licentiate in theology in 1929), he was ordained to the priesthood on May 25, 1929.

61- Juan de Medina (1490-1547) was a Spanish theologian.

62- Richard Sibbes (or Sibbs) (1577-1635) was an English theologian.

63- Ward “Bede the theologian” The Medieval theologians pp. 57 64 Bede was not an innovative religious thinker.

64- Bünting’s map of Europe Bünting’s world map Heinrich Bünting (1545 1606) was a Protestant pastor and theologian.

65- Each finely crafted globe was five feet in diameter (c. 175cm) and so impressed the Duke that he made Coronelli his theologian.

66- A Munda Catholic theologian testifies: The tribals of Chhotanagpur are an endogamous tribe.

67- Adolf Holl (born 1930) is an Austrian Catholic writer and theologian of international reputation.

68- Leenhardt’s daughter Stella married the historian of religions and theologian Henry Corbin (1933).

69- Thomas William (“Tom”) Harpur (born 1929) is a Canadian author, broadcaster, columnist and theologian.

70- Franz Georg Benkert (25 September 1790 – 20 May 1859) was a German Roman Catholic theologian and historical writer.

71- theologian and philosopher Franz Rosenzweig suggested that the two viewpoints are both valid and are complementary within Judaism.

72- In March 2006, he joined theologian William Lane Craig in public debate on the question “Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?

73- theologian Aaron Saari contends in his work The Many Deaths of Judas Iscariot that Judas Iscariot was the literary invention of the Markan community.

74- He has served as Spiritual Director and Rector of St. Gregory the theologian Byzantine-Melkite Catholic Seminary and is presently a Retreat Director.

75- Hajiyeh Seyyedeh Nosrat Beygom Amin (also known as Banoo Amin or Lady Amin, 1886-1983, Persian : بانو امين ) was an Iranian jurisprudent and theologian.

76- Jan Lindhardt (b. 24 April 1938 in Copenhagen) is a Danish theologian and writer. He is the son of professor dr.theol. Poul Georg Lindhardt and Gerda Winding.

77- Many Congregational churches claim their descent from a family of Protestant denominations formed on a theory of union published by the theologian Robert Browne in 1592.

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