theme in a sentence 3

Use ‘theme’ in a sentence | ‘theme’ example sentences

101- 531701One of the big decisions will be whether the new site should have a theme.

102- I’ve yet to come across a theme I just had to install because it looked so great.

103- Prescott was hit hard as he threw – which was a common theme throughout the game.

104- Disney and Comcast are betting big on theme parks Will it be game on for GameStop?

105- The exhibition also includes new work on the theme of Canadian historical figures.

106- You can hear the new theme each morning just after World Report, beginning Friday.

107- All of the options center on one theme: What does a post-2-degree world look like?

108- If we can still sing the dang theme song in our sleep, why are we bringing it back?

109- The Daily Star returns to a familiar theme, saying that giant mutant rats are back.

110- There’s a new black system theme across the Start menu, Taskbar, and Action Center.

111- I could reel off most of its variations on a theme like they were Friends episodes.

112- This time, a guest at the Florida theme park challenges Gaston to a push-up contest.

113- Communist Party theme park (China) – Had enough of all these capitalist theme parks?

114- This brewery has a fun, pulpy, 1960s sci-fi theme and the names of their beer match.

115- People at the theme park reported hearing “a loud crash” when the collision happened.

116- 795131The second theme is resetting”” the goal of these public and private efforts.”

117- The common theme in the tech industry is to pit Apple and Samsung against each other.

118- This theme park spans 213 acres and is roughly an hour’s drive from downtown Shanghai.

119- 95734A weekend cyclocross race was held at the old Animaland theme park in Penobsquis.

120- Canada’s contribution to the liberation is a running theme throughout the royal’s visit.

121- In Australia, Telstra has something similar, with the theme “share a little, get a lot.”

122- The theme this year is ‘Honoring all Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force Special Warriors.’

123- The theme is John Street, said Sophie Paas-Iang, a fourth year OCAD illustration student.

124- It is just one of a number attractions that have sprung up in Thailand with an icy theme.

125- Russia’s military theme park 10 photos Performers sing a Russian patriotic song on stage.

126- The theme of our parade this year is Celebrating Our Freedoms and Defending Our Liberties.

127- Clinton will likely campaign on a similar theme, though probably stated less provocatively.

128- Recently, a journalist from Univision asked me what is the overall theme of the collection.

129- Even the famous theme song gets an eerie new take and name (“Thank You For Being a Fiend”).

130- Disney has been investing more than US$2 billion per year in its global theme-park business.

131- Carrying the heavy burden of war, he was one of the first artists to make it a central theme.

132- Turning childhood trauma into art 15 photos “Horses are the central theme along with memory.”

133- The proposal calls it the right place to take your oath before heading to the theme park.

134- Intimate relations have been a big theme for you lately and will become even more intense now.

135- 376895In time, the Keystone Group is looking to develop all 17 of them with a nautical theme.

136- Try a New Year’s theme Instead of a Resolution If you feel stuck in a rut, choose ‘adventure.’

137- Westerns are the July theme with Alan Ladd starring on July 8 in “The Big Land” (1957, 92 mins.

138- He says the importance of mail is a common theme throughout the thousands of letters he’s read.

139- The deal will bring more visitors to Wanda’s theme parks and other tourism projects through Ly.

140- 854816This year’s pageant is set for June 21st, 2015 under the theme, Diamonds Are Forever””.”

141- The theme for this year’s fundraiser was, “Fill the Bucket, Your Change Can Make a Difference!”

142- And thus my answer, that the main (aptly, unspoken) theme of your story is lousy communication.

143- Universal Studios is scheduled to open its own $3.3?billion movie theme park in Beijing in 2019.

144- Don’s favorite TV theme song is “The Jeffersons” (CNN)What’s your favorite show currently on TV?

145- The meaning of grace The theme all day at CBC Open House and Food Bank Day is the idea of grace.

146- Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush all pursued variations on this theme.

147- The overriding theme in all my pieces is always the same, she told the Times in a 1995 interview.

148- And the theme park units of two media giants, Disney (DIS) and Comcast (CMCSA), are also thriving.

149- The first event was a horror theme, on Halloween, and featured Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter.

150- Although different from traditional Bond theme music, the song was a commercial success worldwide.

More Sentences: 1234
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