international terrorism in a sentence

Use “international terrorism” in a sentence | “international terrorism” example sentences

1- international terrorism is a serious threat to the entire world.

2- international terrorism is not just a recent phenomenon.

3- Professor Wang is giving a lecture on international terrorism now.

4- The government is determined to combat international terrorism.

5- We resolve to stand firm against international terrorism.

6- Professor Ferguson is giving a lecture on international terrorism tomorrow afternoon.

7- The extremity of nationalism is the provenance of the international terrorism.

8- The persistent threat posed by international terrorism requires continuing security efforts.

9- He vowed to continue fighting ” international terrorism “.

10- France has also been actively involved against international terrorism .

11- You mentioned this morning the struggle against international terrorism .

12- Washington accuses the government of sponsoring international terrorism .

13- They are sometimes described as for international terrorism .

14- Azerbaijan is an active member of international coalitions fighting international terrorism .

15- Some say it is more threatening than international terrorism .

16- Firstly, we face the challenge posed by international terrorism .

17- international terrorism poses an increasingly dangerous and difficult threat to America.

18- The U.S. list of state sponsors of international terrorism includes Cuba.

19- He has been indicted for international terrorism offenses in Italy since 2005.

20- Liberal democracies must acknowledge that international terrorism is a ‘collective problem.

21- Nagraj was originally conceived as an enemy of international terrorism .

22- Willingness to fight international terrorism , with concrete ideas.

23- Several individuals contesting the election had faced accused of links with international terrorism .

24- international terrorism once threatened Americans only when they were outside the country.

25- Demanded an Iraqi renunciation of international terrorism .

26- He said NATO stays committed to cooperation with Russia in fighting international terrorism .

27- Another new charge is obstruction of a U.S. investigation into ” international terrorism .

28- This period would also become known as the dawn of modern international terrorism .

29- They discussed international terrorism and increasing cooperation between the two nations in counter-terrorism.

30- Organiser Lindsey German said the bombing campaign had done nothing to tackle international terrorism .

31- Developments of the current situation should not distract the Council from confronting international terrorism .

32- Many religious and secular leaders have spoken out against international terrorism and wars of aggression.

33- The Moscoso administration was very supportive of the United States in combating international terrorism .

34- But protecting the U.S. from international terrorism more broadly requires the cooperation of other governments.

35- We will also wage a war of ideas to win the battle against international terrorism .

36- Such statements as ” man made global warming is more of a threat than international terrorism .

37- In fact, the Moussaoui information remained in the FBI’s international terrorism division.

38- Who do you trust to lead the fight on Australia’s behalf against international terrorism ?

39- Ronald Reagan ordered the bombing of which country in an effort to yield international terrorism ?

40- The action was apparently related to an investigation into international terrorism , kidnapping or money laundering.

41- It also amended the act to include the Taliban as state sponsors of international terrorism .

42- His specialisations include resource security, great-power relationships, international terrorism , and nuclear issues.

43- An ASEAN-India Joint Declaration for Cooperation to Combat international terrorism has been adopted.

44- Confronting Osama bin Laden and curbing international terrorism defined the unwinnable war in Afghanistan.

45- Moreover, we will continue our efforts in acquiring capabilities against international terrorism and transnational threats.

46- All right, so that’s the new Perugia, crossroads of international terrorism .

47- In 1999, OIC adopted the OIC Convention on Combatting international terrorism .

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