hostile territory in a sentence

Use “hostile territory” in a sentence | “hostile territory” example sentences

1- The deeper forests are virtually hostile territory where few humans venture.

2- How do we survive in hostile territory ?

3- On entering hostile territory Alexander split his forces into three.

4- In 1870 two Apache guided him through hostile territory to Tucson.

5- The city was in hostile territory and was surrounded by inhospitable tribes.

6- Consider the whole earth hostile territory .

7- Going to the Ukraine is not like going into hostile territory .

8- Additionally, every landing in Mexico was carried out in hostile territory .

9- You could shoot in any direction as it was all hostile territory .

10- Every victorious army invading hostile territory has had to set up a military government.

11- He was alone in hostile territory , outnumbered and unprepared for a fight.

12- Sagundai volunteered to carry the message through some 2,200 kilometres of hostile territory .

13- Yuan’s army had to withdraw in confusion as they were in hostile territory .

14- Why go for a ride in hostile territory where you are a sitting duck ?

15- ENCLAVE IN hostile territory The enemy hates what God loves .

16- Dependants were not allowed to follow an army on the march into hostile territory .

17- Although he was deep in hostile territory , Crook made no special dispositions for defense.

18- The new law made Nicaragua hostile territory for Dow, Dole and other defendants.

19- Officials were aware of the risk of the small number of colonists in hostile territory .

20- The combined Brazilian–Argentine–Uruguayan army advanced through hostile territory to surround Humaitá.

21- To make victory complete it is the sounder policy to carry the war into hostile territory .

22- The airplanes also had to fly over hostile territory and were often shot at by Arabs.

23- We need your help to move beyond this concept of isolated wolf refuges surrounded by hostile territories .

24- Guardiola took a seat and scribbled in his notepad, calm as ever in hostile territory .

25- The US military and State Department often turn to media to broadcast into hostile territory or nation.

26- Finding themselves in very hostile territory , the Knights enhanced the city’s walls and other defenses.

27- Her training has prepared her for moving stealthily into hostile territory and neutralizing whatever threats may confront her.

28- It really thought that it was that in, you know, surrounded by this hostile territory .

29- The squadron also affected the recovery of a CVW-5 strike fighter pilot who was downed in hostile territory .

30- White wines have to conquer hostile territories where red wine dominates such as the Rocky Mountains or Canada.

31- It entered hostile territory .

32- Wary of leaving Neuner alone in hostile territory , Even-Nir escorted his wingman back to Rephidim.

33- In September 2007, citing an intensification of Qassam rocket attacks, Israel declared Gaza ” hostile territory .

34- Jolly Green Giant helicopter crews escorted by A-1 “Sandy”s would retrieve downed pilots over hostile territory .

35- When news of the rebellion reached him, Suetonius hurried along Watling Street through hostile territory to Londinium.

36- United Nations ships at Wonsan achieved a significant goal by maintaining a blockade against hostile territory for so long.

37- Only one or two of their abandoned Pomo workers survived in hostile territory , suffering from starvation and malaria.

38- The long distances , often through remote and hostile territory , make the costs of most conventional monitoring methods prohibitive.

39- The contingent was probably consisted by dozens of people, because made the kidnapping in hostile territory require adequate preparation.

40- This was the Saudi Air Force’s first military action over hostile territory since Operation Desert Storm in 1991.

Related Words:
come with the territorygo with the territoryneutral territoryuncharted territoryoccupied territoryenemy territorydisputed territoryhostile territoryunexplored territorymark its territoryfamiliar territoryunfamiliar territoryterrorterrorismterrorisms

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