occupied territory in a sentence

Use “occupied territory” in a sentence | “occupied territory” example sentences

1- Nazi Germany invaded Poland and occupied most of her territory.

2- They were denied passage through the occupied territory.

3- Those on the front line make regular forays into occupied territory.

4- Partisans might operate inside or outside occupied territory .

5- The remaining armies are alternately distributed on the occupied territories .

6- The armed uprising soon engulfed great parts of the occupied territory .

7- Israel is sitting on an occupied territory .

8- At first, the occupied territories were placed under military administration.

9- Japanese authorities reinforced monopolies on production in the occupied territories .

10- Who is saying we need exclusive settlements in the occupied territories ?

11- Almost none were landlords and in occupied territories landlords were often executed.

12- It should cease all construction of settlements in the occupied territories .

13- All occupied territories were restored to their pre-war sovereigns.

14- Talk of the bodies terrified the population of the occupied territories .

15- Arabs made genocide of numerous peoples who lived in the occupied territories .

16- The Seminole then occupied territory mostly in the north of Florida.

17- The US State Department attacks Israeli policies in the occupied territories .

18- Israel opened its labor market to Palestinians in the newly occupied territories .

19- Introducing, evacuating and supplying guerrilla-type units in enemy occupied territory .

20- Its aim is to secure the humane treatment of persons in occupied territories .

21- Among previously occupied territories the Channel Islands are the odd one out.

22- Instead Israel will resort to administrative procedures more familiar from the occupied territories .

23- There was serious unrest in the occupied territories on Dec. 12-13.

24- The reaction to the shootings within Israel and the occupied territories was rapid.

25- The ceasefire resolution did not call for Israeli withdrawal from its occupied territories .

26- The final status of the occupied territories was to be determined in 1996.

27- Ladislaus appointed his younger nephew, Álmos to administer the occupied territory .

28- Besides, the Israelis have a perfect right to the occupied territories .

29- SoCalMike The US State Dept is occupied territory .

30- Harsh German rule in the occupied territories also aided the Soviet cause.

31- His empathy extends to those in the occupied territory known as the USA.

32- However, German rule in the occupied territories eventually aided the Soviet cause.

33- Since 1982, the Sinai Peninsula has not been regarded as occupied territory .

34- Make peace , withdraw from the occupied territories or we will apply sanctions!

35- Demolition of Palestinian houses has been a regular event in the occupied territories .

36- Germans held their own regional championships, with Gauligas organized in occupied territories .

37- The Commission provided relief to Nazi occupied territories of Poland until December 1941.

38- The killings had set off widespread rioting in the occupied territories and in Jordan.

39- But brutal German rule in the occupied territories eventually turned its supporters against them.

40- Each player has a “capitol” in one of the initially occupied territories .

41- Prisoners of war and civilian “undesirables” were brought in from occupied territories .

42- By December Shah Zaman occupied territory up to Jhelum.

43- Normally several perches are used to mark occupied territory or to attract a female.

Related Words:
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