terrific in a sentence

Use “terrific” in a sentence | “terrific” example sentences

1- A car went by at terrific speed.

2- He came up with a terrific solution to the complex problem.

3- My mother is a terrific cook!

4- You look terrific in that dress.

5- Darren drove at a terrific speed.

6- I feel absolutely terrific today!

7- Natto smells awful but tastes terrific.

8- A terrific hue and cry is raised against the new tax proposal.

9- A terrific hue and cry was raised against the new tax proposals.

10- All of a sudden there was a terrific bang and a flash of smoke.

11- Everybody there was having a terrific time.

12- He drank a terrific amount of tea.

13- He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing.

14- He had an aristocratic demeanor, mitigated by terrific street cred.

15- He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.

16- He was really terrific when I was in trouble.

17- How did you get wind of that terrific business deal?

18- If we ever get married we’ll have one terrific wedding.

19- She is decorative, larger than life, a terrific glamourpuss.

20- Sue let out a terrific shriek and leapt out of the way.

21- The boxers gave each other a terrific pummelling.

22- The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.

23- The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves.

24- The police car drove past at a terrific speed.

25- Their engagement created a terrific splash in the popular press.

26- Their terrific performances leave you feeling unclean and sober.

27- There was a terrific hoo-ha about who should pay.

28- There were terrific rejoicings on the day war ended.

29- We drove along at a terrific speed.

30- Your Mr Bernard is, by the by, even if unwell, a terrific fellow.

31- The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific.

32- Some new brands from South America are making terrific wines for modest prices.

33- An acrobatic feat that made a terrific hit with the audience was the somersaulting.

34- The effects are simply terrific and create a visual extravaganza rare for television.

35- The shock was terrific, he gasped into his oxygen mask, his hands clenching involuntarily.

36- This is terrific –more is often better.

37- This whole series has been just terrific .

38- The result is extra flavor and terrific texture.

39- Region 104 has a terrific youth referee program.

40- The destruction along the beach was terrific .

41- In ten minutes afterward a terrific explosion took place aft.

42- The audience was terrific and highly engaged.

43- This is really a terrific web site.

44- This is actually a terrific web site.

45- They provided regularly professional quality and terrific functions.

46- The penalty save was terrific & of course extremely timely !

47- Our fellow traveling companions were a terrific bonus.

48- He had terrific ideas and was very patient.

49- The latter however was being shelled with terrific precision.

50- A terrific struggle was waged within his being.

51- He has shown terrific leadership, courageous leadership.

52- The presentation itself is terrific , however.

53- There was terrific gunfire played on the great organ.

54- A terrific mix for a fun film.

55- Excellent blog and terrific style and design.

56- Leopard print looks terrific with white and black.

57- Excellent blog and terrific design and style.

58- The coupons were terrific and saved me further money.

59- My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a terrific roar.

60- The sea was far below and the view terrific .

61- You are terrific hosts and your home is absolutely charming!

62- Detail makes the difference between boring and terrific writing.

63- Connie is a terrific all around naturalist.

64- The pain in their chests were terrific .

65- It was terrific to have electric lights.

66- They are always terrific to share local insights and perspective.

67- She has a terrific sense of humour.

68- I think the whole team was terrific .

69- She may be a terrific human being.

70- The damage to the fleet was terrific .

71- The graphics of this app are terrific .

72- The noise and confusion were now terrific .

73- It is terrific place for fishing and camping.

74- He is disciplined and a terrific listener.

75- The picture has a dynamic visual design and terrific special effects.

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