racial tension in a sentence

Use “racial tension” in a sentence | “racial tension” example sentences

1- In those days, there was a great deal of racial tension on campus.

2- Local police are trying to defuse racial tension in the community.

3- Many social workers are in the front line of racial tension.

4- The case became symbolic of US racial tension.

5- The city is being sundered by racial tension.

6- The incident raised racial tensions to a fever pitch in the city.

7- There are fears that the march will heighten racial tension.

8- We’re sitting on a powder keg of racial tension in the city.

9- Would the development of this sort of politics not heighten racial tension and conflict?

10- The racial tension in the area makes it a tinderbox ready to ignite.

Related Words:
high-tension wireshigh-tension cablescut the tension with a knifereduce tensionrelieve tensionease tensionpolitical tensionracial tensionsocial tensiontension betweenmuscle tensiontension onnervous tensiondramatic tensionsense the tension

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