tendency among in a sentence

Use “tendency among” in a sentence | “tendency among” example sentences

1- There is a tendency among ancient authors to create anachronisms.

2- There is a tendency among some people to focus almost exclusively on intentions.

3- Nevertheless, these differences only represented a certain change of tendency among the reformers.

4- It is an understandable tendency among revolutionary movements for power to gravitate towards one individual.

5- Paul disapproved the tendency among some Christians to distance themselves from the National Movement.

6- This created a tendency among chiefs to identify as landlords, rather than leaders of men.

7- However the reckless driving and competitive tendency among red-buses has been heavily criticised by the public.

8- Accordingly, therefore, there is no trace of neotenous tendencies among modern gelada baboons.

9- They have pointed out tendencies among authorities to invite some gups and not the others.

10- There is a tendency among many information-age prophets to overstate the potential benefits of communications technology.

11- There might have been tendencies among the respondents to filter their responses under testing condition. 3.

12- There is a tendency among helicopter flyers to use standardised, commercially-available trim on their models.

13- The tendency among the younger Lithuanian generation is to spread poison and hatred towards their Jewish neighbors.

14- For example, theres a growing tendency among copywriters to create clever little slogans as substitutes for branding.

15- Also notable is the tendency among late grammarians to thoroughly dissect the hexameters of Virgil and earlier poets.

16- In the aftermath of the railway strike of 1877, there were two very divergent tendencies among railroad workers.

17- Even within Yellowstone, there is a tendency among many tourists to identify Old Faithful as the entire park.

18- The Japanese Government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people.

19- Nonetheless, the decision reflects a dangerous tendency among many judges to give property values more weight than media freedom.

20- The tendency among modern liberal theologians is to assume that a God of love can pardon sin without an atonement.

21- There is a tendency among students to reject a study as inconclusive just because no statistically significant differences were found.

22- Some observers believe this is because Benedict has been suspicious of what he sees as liberal tendencies among English bishops .

23- This is an important tendency among many labouring class poets of the eighteenth century even if they are not agricultural workers.

24- among these four measures of political attitudes, liberalism is a conventional measure of political ideology which identifies left-right tendencies among respondents.

25- I’m just saying that the reflexive tendency among some conservatives lately to back state officials over federal ones should be reconsidered.

26- More recent research has noted a tendency among the middle-aged and younger generation of Philadelphians to raise the vowel, resulting in .

27- For this reason there was a growing tendency among Buddhist scholars in India thereafter to write their commentaries and treatises in Sanskrit.

28- The United States, therefore, needs to avoid any actions that could encourage dangerous ultranationalist tendencies among either Russians or Ukrainians.

29- William II of Orange was a prime example of this tendency among the leaders of the House of Orange to support Calvinism.

30- The final and most dominant tendency among students of black urban politics was to sidestep any type of critical discussion of black elected officials.

31- King Edward’s short reign after his mother, Victoria, was a glittering time for the wealthy and a time of social unrest marked by anarchist tendencies among the poor.

Related Words:
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