tend in a sentence

Use “tend” in a sentence | “tend” example sentences

51- Collectively politicians tend to be pretty awful.

52- Creamy formulations do tend to crease more, so opt for matt powders.

53- Deprived children tend to do less well at school.

54- Fair-haired boys tend to receive special treatment by their bosses.

55- Females with very young kids also tend to keep away from the herd.

56- He’d got a way of his own and I tend to take after him.

57- Her unorthodox views tend to attract controversy.

58- Hospitals now tend to discharge patients earlier than in the past.

59- I tend not to socialize with my colleagues.

60- I tend to be a bit leery of cut – price ` bargains ‘.

61- I tend to flush old medicines down the toilet.

62- I tend to forget things unless I mark them down.

63- I tend to go to bed earlier during the winter.

64- I tend to have a different answer, depending on the family.

65- I tend to overuse certain favourite expressions.

66- I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification.

67- I think men tend to act out their depression more than women.

68- If I’ve got money in my pocket, I tend to fritter it away.

69- If left, these tend to go mouldy, so tip them out each day.

70- Imperialist powers always tend to gobble up their weaker neighbors.

71- Impurities tend to segregate at grain boundaries.

72- In terms of weight, anacondas tend to be porkers.

73- In times of war people tend to set aside political differences.

74- Industries in Britain tend to be clustered together.

75- Insects tend to congregate on the underside of leaves.

76- It isn’t that he lied exactly, but he did tend to exaggerate.

77- ITV companies tend to censor bad language in feature films.

78- John does tend to exaggerate slightly.

79- Linguistic units tend to form a hierarchy of extent.

80- Local newspapers tend to be very parochial.

81- Many white officials tend to be terse on the subject.

82- Melodies tend to evolve out of deep grooves.

83- Men tend to be more aggressive than women.

84- Men tend to marry later than women.

85- Men tend to put on weight in middle age.

86- More discriminating visitors now tend to shun the area.

87- Mothers tend to be less indulgent towards daughters.

88- My allergies tend to flare up in humid weather.

89- My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts.

90- No, I tend to break into a crate of Nettles Old Fester.

91- Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people.

92- Oral questions, particularly, tend to be greeted by evasion.

93- Orthodox medicines tend to be palliative rather than curative.

94- Our school dramas tend towards comedy and farce.

95- People tend to confuse bad decisions with bad luck.

96- People tend to have strong opinions on capital punishment.

97- People tend to need less sleep as they get older.

98- People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.

99- People tend to work hard at this stage of life.

100- People who are lying tend to avoid eye contact.

More Sentences: 12345

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