tempter in a sentence

Use “tempter” in a sentence | “tempter” example sentences

1- Love is the greatest fortification against the tempter .

2- The person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor’s tempter .

3- The tempter or the tempted, who sins most?

4- Now their bond had been “severed by the tempter’s might.

5- So far as possible, He closed the door to the tempter .

6- But it’s another to play the tempter by provoking their sinful passions.

7- Avaunt, tempter of human kind!

8- But Christ was conqueror, and the tempter left him for a season.

9- He is the Satan, the tempter , or rather the Tester.

10- This is temptation of God, and such temptation usually ends tragically for the tempters .

11- Mara, the tempter , has lost his grip and has been shown the door.

12- The tempter presents three time honored temptations with which Jesus can choose to fill himself.

13- Angelic satisfaction was withheld from one angel who fell to earth as the serpent tempter .

14- So long as Christ held to this position, the tempter could gain no advantage.

15- Jesus was refighting the temptations first fought in the wilderness with the tempter . 4.

16- The tempter stands by to accuse them, as he stood by to resist Joshua.

17- Many other religions have a trickster or tempter figure that is similar to the Devil.

18- They all say there were no passionate affairs but occasionally the tempters must have been successful.

19- So, people cannot slough off responsibility for their own sins onto an external tempter .

20- When Satan was cast down to the earth, he became the tempter and the accuser.

21- In discussions with the U. tempter for a minimum of three with extraneural cryptococcosis).

22- The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter .

24- Because of the supernatural nature of her tempter , Eve’s sinfulness can be more easily forgiven.

25- You Shall not steal; is there jealousy among you; is the Evil tempter among you?

26- Those tossed-up tempters that were disappearing into the stands are now being defended watchfully on the front foot .

27- Having achieved their overthrow, the tempter will employ them as his agents to lure others to ruin.

28- Here are revealed the wiles of the tempter and the means by which he may be successfully resisted.

30- What if princes, or lords, or learned men should be your tempters , by words or example?

31- If he had kept silent, would he not have been compelled to worship the tempter all his life?

32- Do not give ear to the tempter , but say, “Jesus has died that I might live.

33- Its really has the ability to make you feel fresh and cool and smell great when the tempters are unbearable.

34- Precious souls cost our self-sacrificing Redeemer too dear a price to be lightly given up to the tempter’s power.

35- For there is Another who would also seek to fill him, and that one is the ‘ tempter ‘.

36- These are the chosen tempters of mortal minds, offering power and knowledge beyond the ken of even the most knowledgeable.

37- The Christian life, I remind you, is never free of mistakes, testings, trials, temptations, and tempters .

38- Certainly the tempter had not borne him to a high mountain and shown him all the glories and powers of this world!

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