taxonomies in a sentence

Use “taxonomies” in a sentence | “taxonomies” example sentences

1- taxonomies inevitably reflect culturally and personally relative world views.

2- Unlike scientific taxonomy, folk taxonomies serve many purposes.

3- There are many taxonomies for classifying medical errors.

4- You can implement formal taxonomies through managed terms and term sets.

5- This requires taxonomies to present business data in many different languages.

6- Organizations create taxonomies in too many ways to list.

7- Comprehensive taxonomies have been developed to focus technical discussions.

8- Highly detailed taxonomies of different forms of aggression do exist.

9- The limitations of genre taxonomies have been alluded to.

10- Nested hierarchies are the organizational schemes behind taxonomies and systematic classifications.

11- So many options, so many incorrect taxonomies to choose from.

12- First Generation follows directly the disciplinary taxonomies of science and engineering.

13- taxonomies of HR competency do not routinely include optimism per se.

14- Their design led researchers to produce taxonomies of annotation forms.

15- It is essential to develop the basic taxonomies behind the learning situation.

16- The COMLINK system supports document universes with associated taxonomies of categories.

17- Effective faceted search depends on well organized taxonomies .

18- You can by removing and adding taxonomies to suit your needs.

19- taxonomies of the emotions and affects have descended from three branches.

20- Watson also used databases, taxonomies , and ontologies.

21- These are the academic taxonomies applied to categorizations of Louisiana French.

22- She postulates that facework consists of five taxonomies .

23- Adding & removing taxonomies Want to take more control of Quality Control?

24- Errors are grouped into classes, and collectively these are described as taxonomies .

25- In most taxonomies , the flowering plants are treated as a coherent group.

26- taxonomies for classing Louisiana French have changed over time.

27- There are multiple taxonomies for requirements depending on which framework one is operating under.

28- Conflicting naming schemes proliferated due to these taxonomies based on single organ systems.

29- Many large taxonomies (such as the IFRS taxonomy) change every year.

30- Recently, there has been a backlash against attempts to define taxonomies of influence tactics.

31- All are used loosely because there are no taxonomies which are either comprehensive or rigorous.

32- These objections noted, I’d like to defend the effort to create taxonomies .

33- ROMULUS provides detailed taxonomies of each foundational ontology to allow easy browsing of foundational ontologies.

34- In subsequent taxonomies , these are sometimes regarded as orders within the subclass Ammonoidea.

35- It is these same practical taxonomies which serve to exemplify the principles of cultural order.

36- taxonomies of error Spreadsheet error is not simply a matter of getting the sums wrong.

37- The Ontological Nature of Subject taxonomies .

38- People construct taxonomies for almost any kind of information, from biological systems to organizational structures.

39- The two most widely used taxonomies now used are the Tholen classification and SMASS classification.

40- All these taxonomies are structured hierarchies of information; formal classification systems that help people handle information.

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