progressive tax in a sentence

Use “progressive tax” in a sentence | “progressive tax” example sentences

1- A progressive tax is far harder to administer than a flat tax is.

2- A progressive tax is far harder to administer than any flat tax.

3- So I believe in a very progressive tax on income.

4- Why? 6 Precisely what is meant by a progressive tax?

5- The tax could be sold to reluctant legislators as a progressive tax on the wealthy.

6- Slovakia reintroduced progressive tax rates in 2013.

7- Income tax on personal income is a progressive tax .

8- A simple progressive tax would also discourage tax avoidance.

9- Most modern governments use a progressive tax .

10- progressive tax systems usually involve higher marginal tax rates for higher earnings.

11- progressive tax rates are an example of this.

12- Spain’s progressive tax rate further reduces any disparity in pay.

13- Dayton supports a progressive tax to decrease state and federal deficits.

14- Like any progressive tax , liability increases where the pocket is deeper.

15- It is now a progressive tax .

16- The local residents are taxed on the basis of a progressive tax system.

17- Eliminate the criminal progressive tax code .

18- The consumption schedule represented by C3 reflects: A. a progressive tax system.

19- By any measure, this is the sign of a very progressive tax system.

20- Oppose means you believe in the practical societal necessity of a progressive tax system.

21- America has the most progressive tax code of all developed countries in the world.

22- The ultimate solution, he writes, is a worldwide progressive tax on private capital.

23- A more progressive tax system.

24- Other economists credit Smith as one of the first to advocate a progressive tax .

25- The state income tax is a progressive tax ; low-income individuals do not necessarily pay any.

26- The plan also advocates removal of the flat tax and development of a progressive tax system.

27- Which statement is correct with respect to marginal and average tax rates under a progressive tax structure?

28- That ‘s what the Democrats have done with the most progressive tax rates in history.

29- The estate tax, a highly progressive tax , has also been reduced over the last decades.

30- The United States also has one of the most progressive tax systems in the industrialized world.

31- That doesn’t seem exploitative, but rather how a progressive tax system is supposed to work.

32- The first bill proposed a new progressive tax code designed to cap personal fortunes at $100 million.

33- Because Canada has a progressive tax system, taxes are reduced at the individual’s highest marginal rate.

34- But capuchins aren’t metaphors for progressive tax codes or faith-based initiatives or whatever platform someone’s pushing.

35- That’s because our progressive tax system imposes higher taxes on high-income earners and lower taxes for others.

36- As an aside, some of this problem is baked into the progressive tax systems of Western governments.

37- Income taxes are widely viewed as a progressive tax , meaning the incidence of tax increases as income increases.

38- A progressive tax structure is one in which the average tax rate rises with an individual’s income level.

39- Eliminating the cap would make this a more progressive tax and would reduce or eliminate the projected deficit.

40- This was a progressive tax on retained earnings–the profits that corporations did not distribute to their stockholders .

41- By the 1860s, the progressive tax had become a grudgingly accepted element of the English fiscal system.

42- It detailed a representative government with enumerated social programs to remedy the numbing poverty of commoners through progressive tax measures.

43- A second reform is therefore essential – to turn the national insurance tax from a proportional into a progressive tax .

44- With a progressive tax code , the well off will inevitably return some of it back to the government.

45- It can also be useful to know the pre-tax income profile of groups before the effects of progressive tax rates.

Related Words:
expenditure taxfederal taxgoods and services taxgraduated taxhypothecated taxmultiple sales taxpayroll taxprogressive taxproperty taxproportional taxpurchase taxreal estate taxredistributive taxregressive taxsocial security tax

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