tax take in a sentence

Use “tax take” in a sentence | “tax take” example sentences

1- The tax take varies according to the retail price.

2- Increased pub trade means a greater tax take for the government.

3- Road repairs are paid for from the general tax take .

4- The 2008 Measure B sales tax took effect in July 2012.

5- The capital gains tax takes a percentage of all realized capital gains.

6- The tax takes account of the number of people in households.

7- It is an attempt to estimate government tax takes from various tax regimes.

8- Apple could generate up to £200m of this increased tax take .

9- Wage-earners have a 20 percent flat income tax taken out of their paychecks.

10- Higher taxes may decrease economic activity and so may actually lower the overall tax take .

11- Depending on circumstances the total tax take can be as high as 63.8%.

12- These types of tax take the form of annual wealth taxes, gift taxes and inheritance taxes.

13- As a result, Gaba instructors see very little tax taken out of their monthly paychecks.

14- That implies that he expects the company tax take in those years to be $100 billion.

15- Social Security FICA tax takes about 15% off the top of the average person’s paycheck.

16- The kiddie tax takes over which is the parent’s tax bracket rate on everything over $2,000.

17- What is the percent of tax taken asking for a loan letter sample out of your paycheck new.

18- Council tax takes nearly 25 % of my income,energy costs 15% and water rates are £400.

19- The ratio of total tax take to National Income is a frequently used measure of tax ‘burden’.

20- An important House of Commons vote on introducing the second stage of the tax took place in December 1994.

21- In Germany, France, Spain and Italy, by contrast, state aid exceeds the tax take .

22- Anyway the tax disc money just goes into the general tax take , it’s not reserved for roads.

23- The British Chambers of Commerce believes a two-year freeze will leave a £1.7bn hole in the tax take .

24- Income tax took a fourth of the winnings, Luxury tax took $750 away; passing GO earns $200.

25- Income tax took a fourth of the winnings, Luxury tax took $750 away; passing GO earns $200.

26- In December when George Osborne delivered his Autumn Statement the OBR said inheritance tax take would rise dramatically over future years.

27- After tax take home pay everyone knows that when you earn $100 you don’t get to take home $100.

28- Actually, he was nursing his excessive tax take so that he could play Santa Claus at election time with our money.

29- Soaring house prices have trebled the state’s tax take on property sales to $2.5 billion a year, or $16,660 on an average $350,000 home.

30- Equally, if high tax is an obstacle to growth, how can the reduction in the 50p rate be squared with George Osborne’s pre- and post-budget briefing that increases in stamp duty and the closure of tax loopholes will actually increase the net tax take from the rich?

31- A sales tax taking 10 percent of income at the $500 level would take 6 percent at $2,500 and 3 percent above $10,000.

32- Logically, we might argue for increased bonuses – every time a bonus doubles, the Treasury’s tax take will double as well.

33- Tack on VAT at the standard rate, and you are looking at a total tax take of £1.33 (surprisingly, the same as on diesel) and £1.60 respectively.

34- The trick of combining lower marginal tax rates with a higher average tax take comes from the stepped progression of the tax system: as incomes rise people’s taxable income rises proportionately faster and larger slices of it attract the higher rates.

35- Since New York, for instance, taxes a lower percentage of earnings for those who have less income, a low-income New York worker may actually have less tax taken out there than would otherwise be owed in Pennsylvania.

36- tax Freedom Day is a vivid, calendar-based illustration of government’s cost, and it gives Americans an easy way to gauge the overall tax take .

37- Can they multiply in the degree required, if a tax takes from them a part of their wages, and reduces them to bare necessaries?

38- In the graph above, the blue line represents the government tax take for ever-increasing tax rates if there was no behavioural response.

39- Logically, it is obvious that the tax take will be zero if tax rates are zero, whereas if tax rates are 100%, people will not bother to work for (declared) wages.

Related Words:
tax basetax bitetax disctax formtax-freetax lientax losstax taketax yearafter-taxbefore-taxcarbon taxdeath taxdirect taxestate tax

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