tautologies in a sentence

Use “tautologies” in a sentence | “tautologies” example sentences

1- tautologies excluded, nothing can be deduced if nothing is assumed.

2- Oh might I add, nothing with certain tautologies .

3- These formulas play a role similar to tautologies in propositional logic.

4- I ‘m thinking in context of implications only, not tautologies .

5- You’ve probably noticed that the rules of inference correspond to tautologies .

6- You will still or might have some language debris like tautologies lying around .

7- Many tautologies of classical logic can no longer be proved within intuitionistic logic.

8- Thus non-logical axioms, unlike logical axioms, are not ” tautologies “.

9- Why boys will be boys and girls will be girls: Understanding colloquial tautologies .

10- A formal system is considered semantically complete when all of its tautologies are also theorems.

11- Since this requires that speakers be informative, the asserting of tautologies blatantly violates it.

12- Using tautologies together with the five simple inference rules is like making the pizza from scratch.

13- These semantics permit a translation between tautologies of propositional logic and equational theorems of Boolean algebra.

14- Critics also suggest that the fine-tuned Universe assertion and the anthropic principle are essentially tautologies .

15- In its former role ‘theory has no substantive content; it is a set of tautologies .

16- As the name implied, the character often came out with strings of logical errors and tautologies .

17- The uttering of simple and obvious tautologies should, in principle, have absolutely no communicative import.

18- They are famous for their Amsterdam dialect and incorrect grammar, and often feature tautologies and paradoxes.

19- They eagerly criticize realistic judgments, but they do not move beyond analytic procedures based on subtle tautologies .

20- Surprisingly, the logical truths (or tautologies ) of LP are precisely those of classical propositional logic.

21- If it is a tautology, then the set of theorems remains the set of tautologies as before.

22- Notice that Φ is a tautology if and only if both Φ− and Φ+ are tautologies .

23- Faith is not simply an absence of doubt, because tautologies are beyond doubt and yet are recognized not revealed.

24- It is the most elementary of tautologies that you can not “put out” a fire with more fire.

25- A validity is a formula that is true under any possible interpretation, e.g. in classical propositional logic validities are tautologies .

26- According to logical positivism, the truths of logic and mathematics are tautologies , and those of science are empirically verifiable.

27- First we have axiom schemas which are designed to efficiently prove the subset of tautologies which contain only one propositional variable.

28- For Wittgenstein, tautologies do not have sense, do not say anything, and so do not admit of doubt.

29- After discussions with Wittgenstein Russell accepted the view that mathematical statements are tautologies , not truths about a realm of logico-mathematical entities.

30- It can also be shown that no pair of these schemata is sufficient for proving all tautologies with “modus ponens”.

31- Using lots of rules of inference that come from tautologies — the approach I’ll use — is like getting the frozen pizza.

32- The approach I’m using turns the tautologies into rules of inference beforehand, and for that reason you won’t need to use the Equivalence and Substitution rules that often.

33- In fact, you can start with tautologies and use a small number of simple inference rules to derive all the other inference rules.

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