tatter in a sentence

Use “tatter” in a sentence | “tatter” example sentences

1- His once fine silk clothes are in tatters .

2- This artifact is very tattered and fragile.

3- Her beautiful white gown had become a dirty and tattered rag.

4- The sail was a small, tattered square sheet.

5- They both were photographed in their tattered condition.

6- Their clothes were all tattered and dirty.

7- The country’s economy was in tatters .

8- This comes away in tattered pieces and is then consumed.

9- The cities reputation is in tatters as a tourist spot.

10- Pakistan’s state school education system is now in tatters .

11- Lara picks up a few tattered sheets of paper.

12- Combat suit tattered and filthy from smoke and dust.

13- He spread on the floor a tattered leopard skin.

14- Mr. Bellamy is dressed in a slightly tattered suit.

15- He appeared older and his clothes were in tatters .

16- Today her plans lay in tatters amid the rubble .

17- We grieve for their tattered families and communities.

18- He pointed to the tattered piece of leather.

19- Have tattered his ears and battered his head.

20- The Bible they were looking in was tattered .

21- It left the local Labor brand in tatters .

22- And the bodies that were tattered and torn.

23- In tatters it lay on the floor.

24- She stands there all torn and tattered .

25- His fine clothes were a tatter , his face a ruin.

26- As a result the web is often in tatters by morning.

27- But that lay in tatters last night after the latest revelations.

28- Tell how to retire a worn or tattered flag properly.

29- John Major’s economic strategy is in more than tatters .

30- His flames whipped in the wind like a tattered kite.

31- Labor ‘s campaign is well and truly in tatters .

32- For the kite was all tattered and torn now.

33- Her hands are claws she keeps concealed within her rags and tatters .

34- Did Herod place a tattered robe on Jesus?

35- The NFL’s all-star game has a tattered image.

36- Now the City’s confidence is in tatters .

37- It was a tattered copy of Sailing Directions .

38- But now it’s tattered and worn.

39- They hung on him loosely, like a tattered dress.

40- Anything less and their reputation would be in tatters “.

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