
varied background in a sentence

1) The three recognition awards had varied backgrounds.

2) The students are of varied backgrounds and majors .

background collocations
3) His varied background includes teaching high school, undergraduate and graduate students.

4) They 've done that in part because of their varied backgrounds.

varied background example sentences

5) People of varied backgrounds have incentives to fight for the sharing economy .

6) Pilots who were selected for the early courses were from very varied backgrounds.

7) In all seriousness, our varied backgrounds made for a very diverse panel.

8) His varied background in newspapers and television was ideal preparation for the campaign trail.

9) We have assembled three individuals with extremely varied backgrounds to serve as the judges.

10) Our Associates come from varied backgrounds and can address a wide range of issues.

11) With varied backgrounds and a genuine passion for music, the group formed in 1994.

12) His long and varied background in aviation started when he joined the RAF in 1963.

13) Mr Katoch's varied background in culture and arts brings much needed diversity to the Board.

14) Dr Chris E Stout is a licensed clinical psychologist who has a varied background in multiple domains.

example sentences with background

15) The group proved to be kindred spirits from varied backgrounds dedicated to sharing knowledge gained from personal experience.

16) It's always a good idea to bring in knowledgeable people from varied backgrounds into the organization.

17) Our Associates come from varied backgrounds and, together address a wide range of business and manufacturing issues.

18) He is keen to form links in the community with people from as many varied backgrounds as possible.

19) Because of the base, we have the opportunity to teach kids from many varied backgrounds and cultures.

20) Their contributions to the city's growth were innumerable, with varied backgrounds in banking, investing and philanthropy.

21) Over 150 participants attended of varied backgrounds, with well over 20% from the school sector within Britain.

22) One of the most enduring Chinese literary characters, Sun Wukong has a varied background and colorful cultural history.

23) Because students have varied backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles, classroom strategies must be developmentally-appropriate and culturally-sensitive.

24) While, interestingly, all the presidential candidates are Pashtuns, the running mates all come from varied backgrounds.

25) He follows eight entrants in particular and they all have varied backgrounds and techniques which have gotten them this far.

26) The Fairfax chapter consists of approximately 55 members from varied backgrounds who share a love of singing a cappella close harmony.

27) It invited the force to a two-day, multi-agency workshop to benefit from the varied background and experiences of its members.

28) Rozanne has a varied background in music, as she has a Bachelor's of Music Education in voice and strings and a graduate certificate in Kodaly from the University of Oklahoma.

29) The history of the San Patricios is a woeful tale of angry, bewildered, naive, or calculating young men, from varied backgrounds, who deserted for a myriad of reasons and paid a fearful price.

30) We have students with such varied backgrounds as biology, history, psychology, sociology, business, nutrition, music, foreign language, public policy, and mathematics.

31) The choir members are an eclectic mix, aged from twenty- something to sixty-something (we dont ask), from varied backgrounds, who share a common enthusiasm for music.

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