
transmit bacterium in a sentence

1) Vibrio cholera bacteria are transmitted through contaminated water.

2) The bacteria are usually transmitted to humans by eating foods contaminated with animal feces.

bacterium collocations
3) Emerging beetles in the spring transmit the bacteria into corn leaf tissue through feeding.

4) The insect known to transmit the citrus greening bacteria was discovered in California in 2008.

transmit bacterium example sentences

5) Most importantly, proper hand washing is a must to avoid transmitting bacteria to the eye.

6) On the Pacific Coast, the bacteria are transmitted to humans by the western black-legged tick .

7) Exchanging lenses also can transmit harmful bacteria, which can lead to a serious, vision-threatening eye infection .

8) Bacteria transmitted in this way cause a number of food poisoning diseases including listeria, salmonella and botulism.

9) Careful examination of the flies revealed "P. rudis" is only capable of transmitting bacteria that causes opportunistic infections.

10) These bacteria are transmitted to a human early in their childhood through their contact with their caretakers by kisses or food premastication.

11) Deer are also the primary host and vector for the adult black-legged tick, which transmits the Lyme disease bacterium to humans.

12) Health care facilities are changing many of their practices and educating doctors, nurses, and therapists about reducing the likelihood of transmitting bacteria.

13) Researchers at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness have identified a link between a B-cell lymphoma skin cancer and bacteria transmitted by the parasitic blood-suckers.

14) Any sharing of injecting equipment, even tourniquets, is highly discouraged, due to the high danger of transmitting bacteria and viruses via the equipment.

example sentences with bacterium

15) Corn flea beetles can transmit the bacteria northward during the summer, but if the insect vectors cannot survive the harsh winter temperatures, then the bacteria cannot be spread.

16) The corn flea beetle feeds on corn leaf tissue and then transmits the bacteria, "Pantoea stewartii", into the plant.

17) In some cases, the bacteria are transmitted in the egg, as in "Buchnera"; in others like "Wigglesworthia", they are transmitted via milk to the developing insect embryo.

18) The psyllid can transmit a bacterium, Liberibacter, that is believed to cause the disease 'psyllid yellows' in tomatoes and potatoes, and to cause 'zebra chip' in cooked potato tubers.

19) (01/31/12) "Just before she became pregnant, Pam [Tebow] fell into a coma after contracting amoebic dysentery, a bacteria transmitted through contaminated drinking water.

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