
tactic backfire in a sentence

1) I am glad to say that these tactics backfired.

2) CNN : Has the leadership's tactic backfired?

backfire collocations
3) The tactic backfired and Tonelli ended with the silver medal.

4) Duch appealed against his sentence, but the tactic backfired.

tactic backfire example sentences

5) This tactic backfires when the intoxicated workers become a riotous mob on election day.

6) But the tactic backfires, making Quinn more popular, and hurting Lauren's candidacy.

7) For the first time in memory, these tactics backfired and helped fuel her momentum.

8) But their heavy-handed tactics backfired.

9) However, the snap election was interpreted as a sign of arrogance, so the tactic backfired.

10) This tactic backfired when Darfur's choice, Muhammad Sharif, rejected Darfur and asserted his own authority.

11) After candidate Quinn insults Lauren's candidacy, Puck helps Lauren dig up dirt on Quinn, but the tactic backfires.

12) While often successful, Finkelstein's tactics have sometimes backfired – in 1996, his repeated attacks against Wellstone may have helped galvanize Wellstone's liberal grass-roots base.

13) The tactic backfired.

14) The tactic backfired.

example sentences with backfire

15) This tactic backfired when the Sinn Fein the Workers Party (SFWP) candidate, Seamus Rodgers, rejected as insulting the donations offered by Irish Base Metals and Munster Base Metals.

16) And in the fullness of time an election comes around, and the tactics backfire -- the party in power is soundly defeated.

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