
streaky bacon in a sentence

1) Fry the streaky bacon in a large pan until crispy.

2) The Rees family also produce a short back and streaky bacon.

bacon collocations
3) Smoked streaky bacon can be used instead of the chops.

4) He pointed to the plate on which were some slices of cold streaky bacon.

streaky bacon example sentences

5) Do you like streaky bacon?

6) Enjoy eggs, hot meats including sizzling sausages and streaky bacon just the way you like them.

7) You'll want to know a source of Gordon's gin, angostura bitters, streaky bacon.

8) Pancetta is Italian streaky bacon, smoked or "aqua" (unsmoked), with a strong flavour.

9) The term " streaky bacon" refers to belly bacon, due to the prominence of the bands of fat.

10) Other recipes include laverbread breakfast cake, laverbread and cockle pate, laverbread with streaky bacon, and laverbread with mashed potato.

11) Sausages, luncheon meats, corned beef, meat pâtés, salami, streaky bacon, pasties, Scotch eggs, visible fat on meat, crackling, chicken skin.

12) Testicles (see knacker origins - related to the very old word for a horse slaughterer.) What is the popular name for little baked sausages wrapped in rashers of streaky bacon?

13) In both Ireland and the United Kingdom, bacon comes in a wide variety of cuts and flavours, and is predominantly known as " streaky bacon", or "streaky rashers".

14) One 20 g 1 adj=on rasher of cooked streaky bacon contains 5.4 g of fat, and 4.4 g of protein.

example sentences with bacon

15) streaky bacon is more commonly used as a topping in the U.S. on such items as pizza, salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, baked potatoes, hot dogs, and soups.

16) Middle bacon, from the side of the animal, is intermediate in cost, fat content, and flavour between streaky bacon and back bacon.

17) Makes 40 Using the back of a knife, stretch 20 rashers of streaky bacon, spread with a little herb mustard and cut in half.

18) Step 1: Pick a Particularly Meaty Artwork Step 2: Sculpt Construct your chosen work of art using copper wire and streaky bacon.

19) Salty, streaky bacon is an unnecessary addition, while the thick-cut fries are not as crisp on the outside but cottony soft within.

20) Cut 12 rashers of smoked streaky bacon or thinly sliced pancetta into finger- thick pieces, then cook in a shallow, non-stick pan till crisp, adding four peeled garlic cloves, thinly sliced.

21) streaky bacon.

22) streaky bacon.

23) streaky bacon.

24) He says " On the subject of good bacon, Ramsay's of Carluke's Ayrshire smoked streaky bacon is some of the finest in the country.

25) The 'A90 Behemoth' is made with 15 rashers of unsmoked streaky bacon and is served on a soft white roll with lashings of butter.

26) 225g/8oz smoked streaky bacon, cubed

27) 6 rashers streaky bacon, rinded

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