
severe backlash in a sentence

1) These appointments generated a severe backlash across the spectrum.

2) The decision was met with severe backlash by players and sportswriters.

backlash collocations
3) A severe backlash against Iranians in the United States developed.

4) Its heavy hand in enforcing regulations already regarded as too strict led to a severe backlash.

severe backlash example sentences

5) Schwarzman received a severe backlash from both critics of the private equity industry and fellow investors in private equity.

6) The Danish government actively discouraged violent resistance because it feared a severe backlash from the Germans against the civilian population.

7) If the two men hang, then South Africa faces the very real risk of a severe right wing backlash.

8) Though it drew no official response, it prompted a severe backlash, especially from among priests of other Buddhist schools.

9) When the ABC announced its intention of broadcasting Sydney New Year's Eve, it caused severe backlash from Channel Nine.

10) Besides this immediate and severe backlash, the biggest fallout of this operation was a chain of bombings across the country, insurgency in Swat and organised suicide attacks.

11) The commercial ended with the word, "Love." The spot has nearly 5 million hits to date on YouTube and was the source of severe backlash for a vocal minority of whites.

12) The Bush administration has made serious and domestically controversial concessions, and there would be a severe backlash if North Korea were to sabotage the agreement.

13) IAS officers who have worked on to put up a stronghold against the illegal mining mafia have faced severe backlashes from the government in direct and indirect ways in the past.

14) Its defeat at the hands of Gaddafi would be a severe backlash negatively affecting the revolutionary wave that is currently shaking the Middle East and North Africa.

example sentences with backlash

15) This generated a severe backlash from all sides of the spectrum, including some PC candidates, and Campbell ordered them off the air.

16) Although their debut album "Leisure" (1991) had been commercially successful, Blur faced a severe media backlash soon after its release, and fell out of public favour.

17) The second ad, released on October 14, appeared to mock Chrétien's facial paralysis, and generated a severe backlash from all sides.

18) Plans by Dutch Education Minister Maria van der Hoeven to "stimulate an academic debate" on the subject in 2005 caused a severe public backlash.

19) To dole out further " supply-side" favours to business and enterprise would risk an even more severe populist backlash, however much wealth they might ultimately generate.

20) (more severe spirit backlash)

21) " His reversal on the Iraq issue, and increasing attacks on the Bush administration caused a severe backlash from many other hawkish conservatives, who accused him of not being a "real" conservative.

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