
romantic backdrop in a sentence

1) It acts as a romantic backdrop for marriages and belongs to the town of Gifhorn.

2) Are you looking for an intimate and romantic backdrop for your wedding, without the stresses of a larger event?

backdrop collocations
3) With views to the mountains beyond the loch it offers an extremely romantic backdrop that your guests are sure to remember.

4) The romantic backdrop of mist-shrouded mountains and ancient temples in the southeast town of Kyongju only highlighted the strain between the two.

romantic backdrop example sentences

5) A whirlwind affair set against the romantic backdrop of the Seville Expo in southern Spain that by the law of averages hadn't really stood a chance from the off.

6) The concert series attracts large crowds to evenings of music under the starlit sky, against the romantic backdrop of the Gendarmenmarkt which boasts some stunning architecture.

7) For a few pointers on what you to look for, please download our PDF guide. s grounds are utterly magical and there is no more romantic backdrop for your ceremony and reception.

8) The elegant restaurant is a perfect place to treat yourself while on holiday in Hamburg, as the dining room's crystal chandeliers provide a romantic backdrop.

9) I especially love the romantic backdrops along with the design and feel of the network, it really does make you want to look for your next holiday!

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