
rig bait in a sentence

1) The pioneers of blue marlin angling employed natural baits rigged to skip and swim.

2) Striking on trolled lures and rigged ballyhoo baits.

bait collocations
3) Black marlin fishing has traditionally conducted with rigged dead baits, both skipping and swimming.

4) rig the baits "wacky" style or "Texas" style and allow the bait to free fall.

rig bait example sentences

5) The main methods used by sport fishermen are fishing with artificial lures, rigged natural baits, or live bait.

6) Today, rigged baits, particularly Spanish mackerel and horse ballyhoo continue to be widely used for blue marlin.

7) Boats hat have been working a kite with a rigged bait under it have also done well on the larger fish.

8) The wide gap hook allows you to rig bigger, bulkier baits weedlessly, use bigger lines, and fish in heavier cover.

9) For one, its hook point is offset by 3-degrees to greatly increase your hook up ratio, and it also features an extra wide gap that allows it to accommodate a wide variety of wacky rigged baits.

10) Most of the fish were caught on the Cortez side in the warmer water and struck on rigged dead bait pulled for Striped Marlin.

11) A few fish have been eating plastic, but most of the ones being caught are being caught on bait, either live or rigged dead bait.

12) Keep a live bait rigged on a drift line for any cruising roosters that might also want to feast upon the baitfish school.

13) Working near shore and trolling slow with rigged dead baits they have been catching Wahoo ranging in size from 25 to 40 pounds.

14) Lure fishing is a popular fishing technique used by New Zealand marlin fishermen, with many good fish also being taken on live and rigged dead baits.

example sentences with bait

15) Rigged natural baits are also used as "pitch baits" that are deployed after fish are raised to hookless lures or "teasers".

16) Rigged baits got cut off quickly if the Wahoo were in the area, and once that happened, working that same area with lures like Marauders and Rapallas rigged on wire leader paid off.

17) Best baits were rigged Ballyhoo trolled at 4 or 5 knots but Ballyhoo dropped back to fish raised on the lures worked well also.

18) Almost anything worked, lures big and small, live bait, rigged dead bait, it was just a matter of getting a strike and then working the area.

19) With an average size of 18 pound sand the cooler water the best technique has been to slow troll rigged live bait in areas where Frigate birds are spotted working.

20) On the larger fish it has been more difficult, but dropping back a rigged live bait a half-spool has worked for many boats if there are not other boats to run over the line.

21) Finally, he finds a rigged bait from practice, one that I had been eyeing the whole time he was tearing the boat apart but couldn't make reference to, and gets back to fishing.

22) Many boats opted for a more tranquil style of Marlin fishing and just drifted the area with rigged baits dropped down to 100 feet.

23) My favorite is to rig the bait on an Owner 5154 Wacky Jighead (1/32- or 3/16-ounce) and fish it with a cadence – twitch the lure up and let it fall.

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