
professional background in a sentence

1) Eileen has led a very diverse professional background.

2) His professional background is rooted in resource development and sales.

background collocations
3) The introduction of two professional background singers.

4) Many were civilians from professional backgrounds rather than soldiers.

professional background example sentences

5) The practitioners involved may have diverse educational and professional backgrounds.

6) It has produced quality lawyers who came from different professional backgrounds.

7) I have a professional background in public utilities.

8) Business sector, with business and professionals background.

9) Wen has a professional background in geology and engineering.

10) His professional background also includes health insurance, sales and investments.

11) Ms. Hellerman's professional background also includes several faculty appointments.

12) My professional background is in electronics, business, and wildlife research.

13) Check out Madeleine Albright's professional background.

14) I have absolutely no professional background in medicine, psychology or therapy.

example sentences with background

15) For further details on my professional background, see my personal website.

16) Do you have a professional background in animal ministration or rescues?

17) Our students come from a vast array of educational and professional backgrounds.

18) The Haitians of professional backgrounds received warm welcome in their new home.

19) These graduates come from diverse professional backgrounds, cultures, and different experiences.

20) Investment advisers and financial planners may come from many different educational and professional backgrounds.

21) Your credentials, experience, and professional background got you to the interview.

22) Mediators come from various professional backgrounds.

23) When I came to train properly I was already aware of the professional background.

24) She has both personal and professional backgrounds that uniquely qualify her for the job.

25) Bernadette has a professional background in psychology and holds a Master of Science.

26) Ms. Spaulding's diverse professional background includes marketing, asset management and investment banking.

27) His professional background spans the US, Asia, Europe and Africa.

How to use background in a sentence

28) His professional background includes management roles at Intel and The New York Times.

29) Mr. Pratdepadau's professional background includes the education, manufacturing and cultural arts sectors.

30) For one, his personal popularity sits oddly with his social origins and professional background.

31) Where participants cross disciplinary boundaries and professional backgrounds, a rich mix of ideas is fostered.

32) In addition to extensive tax experience, Lisa also has a very well-rounded professional background.

33) Pry and poke like never before to get the professional backgrounds of potential brokerage candidates.

34) During the interview, candidates with a professional background are always asked about their current jobs.

35) If you share your professional background, maybe we could give you a better idea.

36) Would you say that you have been fully honest about your education and professional background?

37) My professional background includes a Master of Healthcare Administration and Master of Business Administration.

38) Six Councilors-at-Large normally bring a variety of expertise and professional backgrounds to the Executive Committee.

39) My professional background is in manufacturing, production and inventory control specifically, mostly in defense contracting.

40) The contexts in which they work vary, as do their personal and professional backgrounds.

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