
principal backer in a sentence

1) Shackleton named it Caird Coast, after his principal backer.

2) James u0026 John Chambers along with William Finke remained the principal private backers.

backer collocations
3) The electrical-equipment manufacturer AEG served as the principal financial backer of the new undertaking.

4) The "King of Saltpeter", John Thomas North, was the principal backer of nitrate mining.

principal backer example sentences

5) Fleetwood declined as a resort, as its founder and principal financial backer, Peter Hesketh-Fleetwood, went bankrupt.

6) John Sperling, Peter Lewis, and George Soros were the principal financial backers of the referendum signature drive.

7) Gutiérrez was also a principal backer of the Dodd-Frank bill that created the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

8) Suddenly everyone had gone except for one man, the show's principal backer, who sat crying at the table.

9) China and the Soviet Union had been the principal backers of North Vietnam's effort through large-scale military and financial aid.

10) In 1921, Watkins was one of the principal backers of the Port Huron club when it joined the Michigan-Ontario League.

11) Meanwhile, his principal backers hosted Pakistan's army Chief of Staff, General Raheel Sharif in Riyadh earlier this month.

12) According to a second story, Mr Bond had offloaded his entire collection on a Japanese businessman closely associated with the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, Mr Bond's principal backers.

13) At the very least, the principal backers of the second invasion of Iraq in March 2003 have benefited handsomely from the venture and may continue to do so for a long time to come.

14) They had managed to salvage three lifeboats, which Shackleton had named after the principal backers of the expedition: "Stancomb Wills", "Dudley Docker" and "James Caird".

example sentences with backer

15) The partial implementation of the Vance Plan drove a wedge between the governments of the RSK and Serbia, the RSK's principal backer and supplier of fuel, arms and money.

16) During Henry's struggle for the crown, Spain had been the principal backer of the Catholic League, and it tried to thwart Henry.

17) He took much interest in the careers of John Hawkins and Francis Drake from early on, and was a principal backer of Drake's circumnavigation of the world.

18) The Players' League dissolved after the season, and Day sold a minority interest in his NL Giants to the defunct PL Giants' principal backer, Edward Talcott.

19) Along with Frank Sinatra, Crosby was one of the principal backers behind the famous United Western Recorders recording studio complex in Los Angeles.

20) The company had tried to raise money by offering shares to the public but was unable to get the guarantees from its principal backer, IBM, that would-be underwriters to the issue were demanding.

21) Russia, Assad's principal foreign backer along with Iran, has a naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus, although many personnel have reportedly been evacuated in recent days.

22) Pakistan's long-running, ambivalent relationship with its principal financial backer and strategic ally has been more hate than love in recent times.

23) Buffett said that one of 3 G's principal backers, the Brazilian billionaire Jorge Paulo Lemann, had first suggested the deal to him.

24) The perpetrators of that attack--the Rwandan Patriotic Front according to Bruguière--knew what would happen, as did their principal backers, the United States and the United Kingdom.

25) It is a question that Russia, Assad's principal international backer, has raised repeatedly in suggesting that Syrian rebels arranged the attack to implicate the government.

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