
one backhand in a sentence

1) Of course, Federer has a mighty sweet one-handed backhand too.

2) My dad tried one experiment at converting me to a one-handed backhand.

backhand collocations
3) She is well known for her powerful one-handed backhand and strong net play.

4) He can play both two-handed and one-handed backhand.

one backhand example sentences

5) Gasquet is best known for his long winding groundstrokes and his one-handed backhand.

6) The versatility that he demonstrates with his one-handed backhand is seldom matched by anyone on the circuit.

7) I place my right hand on the racquet as if the stroke were a standard one-handed eastern backhand.

8) Today, Federer said Henin's one-handed backhand and single-minded focus make her one of his favorites.

9) He's also comfortable going to the one-handed slice backhand, and also has considerable touch for a bigger player.

10) Dimitrov has a huge serve, forehand he can dictate with, a high variety one-handed backhand and soft touch.

11) Schiavone was unleashing her trademark one-handed backhand, a shot that could serve her well in her section of the draw.

12) When Nadal faces rival Roger Federer he can handcuff the buying viagra in the generic cialis canadian us World No. 1 playing his heavy topspin forehand to Federer's one-handed backhand.

13) When working with a young beginner it is difficult to determine if that kid will one day stay with a two-handed backhand or go on to develop a one-handed backhand.

14) He added the one-handed backhand into his repertoire midway through 2011; evident in his matches against Murray in the final of Queen's Club and against Federer in the quarter-finals of Wimbledon.

example sentences with backhand

15) Possessing one of the best one-handed backhands on tour, Wawrinka is characterized as a powerful offensive baseliner capable of playing well on most surfaces, especially on clay and hard courts.

16) John McEnroe believes that Wawrinka has one of the most powerful backhands he has ever seen and describes him as having "the best one-handed backhand in the game today".

17) Peter Forsberg of Sweden scored one of the most famous goals in Olympic history by faking a forehand shot, then sliding a one-handed backhand shot past goaltender Corey Hirsch.

18) one of a handful of women on tour who utilizes the one-handed backhand, Suarez Navarro is as relentless as David Ferrer and deceptively quick like Francesca Schiavone .

19) Stanislas Wawrinka and Roger Federer enjoy a chat before their final in Monte Carlo Later, after they settled, Wawrinka was back to flinging that one-handed backhand freely.

20) However, 31-year-old Schiavone kept her guessing while alternating between her whipping, one-handed topspin backhand, low slices and approved viagra pharmacy aggressive net play.

21) "(The) one-handed backhand is something you don't see very often," Federer said.

22) " However, while his backhand slice is a good defensive weapon, his main attacking weapon is his one-handed backhand hit with topspin.

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