
offer backdrop in a sentence

1) The mountain offers a striking backdrop to the town.

2) The infinity pool leaning towards the turquoise Caribbean Sea offers a great backdrop.

backdrop collocations
3) As an outdoor stage, the ruin offers a dramatic backdrop for cultural events.

4) The Gazebo area can hold more than 200 people for an outdoor wedding offering a stunning backdrop.

offer backdrop example sentences

5) It offered a backdrop of climate catastrophe to justify the need for urgent limits on the power sector.

6) Soft gray walls offer the perfect backdrop for a playful mix of pattern and texture in this neutral bedroom.

7) The color on the walls of the house offers a fresh blue-green backdrop for the lush array of colorful flowers.

8) The cultural clash of the 1920s in many ways offers a historical backdrop to issues resonating in American society today.

9) The Bad Bentheim open-air plays have an unusual venue set in three disused quarries, thereby offering an extraordinary natural backdrop.

10) With views to the mountains beyond the loch it offers an extremely romantic backdrop that your guests are sure to remember.

11) While these doctrines offer a congenial metaphysical backdrop for Buddhist ethics, they cannot provide a moral ground for rights.

12) As it turned out, a town just miles from UVA, James' alma mater, offered a picturesque backdrop.

13) The natural beauty of our mountain town offers a splendid backdrop for an adventurous, relaxing, family or getaway vacation that fits your budget.

14) BC Sport Fishing Group : The Fraser Valley, rich with rivers and surrounded by the Coast Mountains offers an incredible backdrop to unique and amazing world-class Salmon fishing and Sturgeon fishing.

example sentences with backdrop

15) Part of our Woodstock Foundation, Billings Farm u0026 Museum is minutes away from the Inn and offers a spectacular backdrop for an outdoor tented event for up to 225 guests.

16) Nestled in the heart of the heritage-rich and scenic town of Navan in Meath, it offers the quintessential picturesque backdrop to your experience of bars in Ireland.

17) It's about the game, about strategy, and about impossible to stay focused when nearly every hole offers dramatic mountain backdrops.

18) Restaurant 1539 offers the most unique backdrop in which to enjoy a drink, savour a delicious meal or mingle in our Roof Lounge at the weekend.

19) Five state-of-the-art meeting rooms round out the list of amenities, offering an exquisite waterfront backdrop for anything from romantic weddings to prestigious business events.

20) From expansive beaches that offer a perfect backdrop to marine sports, to quiet, secluded beaches for spending private moments with family and friends, there's a beach for everyone.

21) The city's bays, waterways, lakes and notoriously wet weather not only offer beautiful backdrops for personal reflection; they also reflect who we are.

22) Sandy and shingle shorelines stretch along the east coast, jagged cliffs skirt the west and green mountains dotted with whitewashed villages offer a spectacular backdrop to every bay.

23) For more rugged camping Low Head Dam offers the perfect natural backdrop and offers electric and water, picnic tables, a boat ramp and a comfort station.

24) "Signs on Main Street" features a streetscape of four life-size storefronts and offers a backdrop to display period signage, while the store's windows serve as themed display cabinets.

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