
low back in a sentence

1) What are uncommon causes of low back pain?

2) low back pain results in large economic costs.

back collocations
3) Other problems may occur along with low back pain.

4) About 50% of women experience low back pain during pregnancy.

low back example sentences

5) The exhaust system is designed for low back pressure.

6) low back pain is the third most costly condition.

7) Between 30 - 70% of cyclists feel low back pain.

8) This is a huge player in low back pain.

9) low back tightness u0026 pain is thus related to hip joint problems.

10) But - no more nagging knee pain or low back pain!

11) Symptoms also include weakness, stiffness and low back pain.

12) low back injury is the most likely kind of injury.

13) APC fiber ends have low back reflection even when disconnected.

14) Shoe insoles do not help prevent low back pain.

example sentences with back

15) Routine low back pain imaging is another area of overutilized imaging.

16) Most who seek chiropractic care do so for low back pain.

17) Second, he suffered low back sprain.

18) I'd had sciatica and low back pain for 50 years.

19) low back pain that is long-term is called chronic low back pain.

20) With any form of low back pain, prevention really is key.

21) Exercise has been proven to help many people with low back pain.

22) Many people visit chiropractors for treatment of low back pain.

23) Specifically has leg stretches and others to improve low back pain u0026 tightness.

24) An important subset of low back pain cases involves disc-related sciatica.

25) low back pain may be classified based on the signs and symptoms.

26) What are the causes of low back pain and upper back pain?

27) Many of the ideas noted are helpful in alleviating low back pain.

How to use back in a sentence

28) He determined that chiropractic is safer than medical management of low back pain.

29) Regular smoking in adolescence was associated with low back pain in young adults.

30) It also increases the risk of low back pain as an adult.

31) They can be very helpful in preventing recurrences of low back pain.

32) Therapies for such common problems as low back pain could be studied .

33) If this compensation occurs often enough, low back pain is likely to develop.

34) low back pain has been with humans since at least the Bronze Age.

35) I'd had low back pain over the years which had gotten very bad.

36) Studies report only a weak association between obesity and low back pain, however.

37) For low back pain, we surpassed this threshold at least 15 years ago.

38) The following are the most common ways in which motion causes low back pain .

39) Despite this, the use of imaging in low back pain has increased.

40) I also used to have a lot of low back pain from cycling.

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