
log backup in a sentence

1) A transaction log backup needs to be taken.

2) This instance then places the log backup into a primary log-backup file, which it sends to the backup folder.

backup collocations
3) The restore sequence is the previous full database backup, plus all transaction log backups since then (approximately 350!).

4) That said, note that you can always choose a higher frequency for log backups (for example, "every 15 minutes") to keep this as close to a true CDP system as you want.

log backup example sentences

5) Each secondary server instance runs its own restore job to restore the log backup from the local destination folder onto the local secondary database.

6) A log shipping secondary server can also be set to have a load delay (that is, a period of time to wait before restoring a transaction log backup).

7) There are various configuration options, such as how often a transaction log backup is taken on the primary server and how often the transaction log backups are restored on the secondary server(s).

8) There are various configuration options, such as how often a transaction log backup is taken on the primary server and how often the transaction log backups are restored on the secondary server(s).

9) An optional third SQL Server instance can be used to monitor the primary and secondary servers to ensure that transaction log backups are being taken and restored regularly.

10) Transaction log backups are then repeatedly taken of the primary database, shipped (that is, copied over the network) to the secondary server(s), and then restored.

11) This is effectively the same information contained in all the transaction log backups since the previous full database backup, but is far faster to restore.

12) For example, a backup strategy that includes a weekly full database backup plus transaction log backups every 30 minutes seems at first glance to be a sound strategy.

13) If the recovery model has to change, many things may be affected, such as the size of transaction log backups or the ability to perform faster batch processes and index maintenance operations.

14) Database mirroring, log shipping, and the ability to take transaction log backups are not available if the simple recovery model is used.

example sentences with backup

15) The log shipping secondary database can be read when the transaction log backups are restored using the WITH STANDBY option.

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