
lean backwards in a sentence

1) He leaned casually backwards against the couch, his knees raised.

2) Easing herself gently to her feet she leaned slowly backwards.

backwards collocations
3) Are you leaning backwards or forwards?

4) He leaned backwards, his hair hanging down until it nearly touched the floor.

lean backwards example sentences

5) I 'm currently becoming more acquainted with leaning backwards while facing forwards to move backwards.

6) In figure A the pelvis is pushed forward so that the man is leaning backwards.

7) In this case, leaning backwards is therefore not perceived differently from being constantly accelerated forwards.

8) The driver's seat is stuck leaning backwards, and it's killing his back.

9) He leaned backwards, digging in his heels, yelping, 'Let me be!

10) The person's back will be leaning backwards from the waste, while the legs, are leaning forward.

11) The boater begins by simultaneously putting the boat on edge, making a quick forward power stroke, and leaning backwards.

12) As you can see from the figure on the page opposite the man thinks that he is standing up straight when anyone can see, at a glance, that he is leaning backwards from the waist.

13) Chu Hsi reigned the stallions a few steps forward so that the wagon was pressed against the gibbet, then leant backwards into the cushion of his fat and began to nap.

14) One dead soldier was in a sitting position, his back against a wall, his head leaning backwards with the eyes staring and mouth hanging open, his blonde hair matted and covered with blood.

example sentences with backwards

15) If I shift in my harness and lean nervously backwards I can see my partner creeping nearer on a wall of loosely compacted rubble, brushing and blowing the sand from the holds as he swings upwards.

16) Furthermore, this pain is specifically made worse with movements such as leaning backwards while standing and turning your back while your feet are planted.

17) He played Did You Ever See the Devil Uncle Joe and he was sitting in an old time chair and got to leaning backwards and directly he went over.

18) Do not lean backwards or jerk the barbell upwards as this will put great strain on the lower back area and detract from the development of the biceps.

19) The increased weight on your toes causes your body to tilt forward, and to compensate, you lean backwards and overarch your back, creating a posture that can strain your knees, hips, and lower back.

20) Commonly a "pillow" wave formed in front of the obstruction allows the paddler to get vertical by paddling hard at the obstruction and leaning backwards.

21) The wrestler then leans backwards and seizes the opponent around the waist, pulling them forward and upwards so they are lying across the shoulder of the opponent, facing downwards.

22) The wrestler then reaches forwards and applies a chinlock as in a standard camel clutch, leaning backwards to apply pressure to the upper back and arm.

23) Samuelson discovered that leaning backwards in the water with ski tips up and poking out of the water at the tip was the optimal method.

24) A couple of weeks ago, the new logo was unveiled revealing a patently insane, bald-headed man, leaning backwards and bawling at the top of his voice - MAYFEST!

25) Rafael crosses to the edge of the penalty area, where Wayne Rooney is forced to lean backwards before directing a weak header harmlessly wide.

26) The chair's built-in special mechanism allows the front edge of the seat to tilts upwards when you lean backwards and down when you lean forwards, all this while you maintain an upright posture.

27) As the crowd of us came out of the car, he leaned backwards over Mr Quigley's fence and spat, slowly and deliberately, into the geraniums.

28) 4 Pushing her arm against the attacker's chest, the defender leans backwards, breaking the balance of the attacker.

29) Also, don't lean backwards, this can be very risky, because it loads the leg with the whole body weight coming down."

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