lean backward in a sentence
1) It is leaning backward to offset a load in front.
2) In a seated conversation, leaning backward can also communicate dominance.
backward collocations
3) When it is leaning backward, it is not.
4) The torso leans backward and the neck and head jut forward.
lean backward example sentences
5) She leans backward in an ecstatic trance toward a male figure dancing frantically.6) Also at the back they help the kite to lean backward.
7) She leans backward on her arms.
8) Matt faked a move toward the hoop, causing his defender to lean backward, slightly off balance.
9) Don't lean backward.
10) leaning backward in the direction of pull is what we do to apply a significant horizontal force in such an event.
11) In fact, this misalignment and compensation often makes standing up straight only possible with a zig-zag, with the legs going forward and the back leaning backward.
12) Clasping a typed statement to his chest with his left hand, he leaned backward, away from the railing, and waited for help to arrive.
13) In order to achieve a forward straight line motion, the ballbot has to lean forward to accelerate and lean backward to decelerate.
14) While the opponent is behind the wrestler, to back up and push him out of the "dohyō" ("backward lean out").
example sentences with backward
15) A fadeaway shot is a variation on a set jump shot in which the shooter attempts his shot leaning backward, creating the effect of "fading away" from his defender.16) When the head is leaning backward, it can cause the body imbalance, the jawbone will tilt upward and expose the throat and this can cause the throat to dry.
17) leaning backward from your thigh
18) Who lean backward trying – only to see their faces in the reflecting chandeliers." (from The Last Tycoon, 1941)
19) She drew me into the kitchen and stretched out her arms, leaning backward a bit, and said, 'How I love people who say 'Yes' to life.'
20) run_deaccel: run_deaccel animation is like run animation with one difference and that is the character's head and spine leans backward to show that the character wants to stop running.
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20 examples of simple sentences of lean backward. We tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of lean backward
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