
kill baby in a sentence

1) The practice of killing unwanted babies was common.

2) The missionaries falsely claim they regularly kill newborn babies.

baby collocations
3) Gene killing baby after baby was fantastic .

4) The baby was killed with a bayonet.

kill baby example sentences

5) kill the babies to reduce health care costs .

6) A stray bullet hit and killed the baby.

7) Some of these diseases can kill newborn babies.

8) It can kill some babies and children within hours.

9) That we killed babies and other civilians.

10) Shot in the abdomen, killing the baby she was carrying.

11) killing babies because they aren't quite 'right'.

12) The creature will remain shocked until one of their babies is killed .

13) Two Catholic civilians and their ten-month-old baby were killed .

14) After 41 years of killing babies...it's about time.

example sentences with baby

15) The live rubella virus was found in the 27th killed unborn baby.

16) In Kamchatka, babies were killed and thrown to the dogs.

17) She killed an innocent baby and maybe even the baby's mother.

18) Nurse Beverley Allitt who killed four babies has been given thirteen life sentences.

19) Malaria kills about 200,000 newborn babies and 10,000 new mothers every year .

20) But why kill only babies that are undesirable because of a birth defect?

21) Abortions hurt women and kill babies.

22) But do you have to kill the baby?!?!? Music.

23) It's harder to kill a baby than a blob of tissue.

24) Many people still don't understand that "pro-choice" means killing babies.

25) Seems to me that we should all be against babies being killed anywhere .

26) I love the part about your mothers head flying off and killing the baby.

27) She threatened to kill the baby if Dougal did not help her escape.

28) She almost makes you forget that her husband supports killing babies and destroying natural marriage.

29) This lethal pirate box is almost certain to kill any baby who might swallow one.

30) Whoever thinks it is humane to kill these babies is a very sick human being.

31) Antismokers claim that smokers are killing the babies of pregnant women with their smoking.

32) And why not simply kill any baby that is born with some tragic birth defect?

33) killing babies was his job.

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