
harm baby in a sentence

1) Can marijuana use during pregnancy harm the baby?

2) Alcohol and drug abuse during pregnancy can harm babies.

baby collocations
3) It is not known whether melatonin will harm an unborn baby.

4) This drug may harm a baby developing in the womb.

harm baby example sentences

5) VALIUM has been known to harm an unborn baby.

6) Would this law ultimately help or harm drug-addicted babies?

7) It is not known if XELJANZ will harm an unborn baby.

8) Methylphenidate can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby .

9) If i do ACIPHEX that can harm the baby.

10) Else throwing up can leave you dehydrated, harming the baby too.

11) It does not prevent pregnancy and can harm a baby growing in the uterus.

12) However, Oshin's classmates bully her and threaten to harm the baby.

13) FDA pregnancy category C. It is not known whether Ritalin will harm an unborn baby .

14) Slave masters even beat pregnant women, devising ways to do it without harming the baby.

example sentences with baby

15) Some women reported intrusive thoughts that they would harm the baby, according to the researchers.

16) Also, avoid exposure to ultra violet rays and X-rays as they could harm the baby.

17) No gunshots hit Burkes' car and the baby was not harmed, Herrmann said.

18) He noted his suspicions that the baby was physically harmed and did not die of natural causes.

19) They can end up in the milk - which raises the concern whether the baby is harmed .

20) The doctor explains that he cannot give Andrea antibiotics because it could harm the baby.

21) It is not known whether evening primrose passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby.

22) She is taking any kind of drug that could harm the baby, or drinks unsafe levels of alcohol.

23) And the fact she refused pain medication in case it harmed the baby made him respect her so much .

24) Luckily, she asks Iris and Ruby for help when feeling ill, so the baby isn't harmed .

25) The experimental medication to restore her vision would harm the baby, so Angie chose not to take it.

26) You'll have to forgive me, and I promise I won't do anything to harm the baby.

27) At this time, drugs are rarely tested for safety in pregnant women for fear of harming the unborn baby.

How to use baby in a sentence

28) So now we go round and round in circles and no-one accepts the blame for the dead and harmed babies.

29) However, some fish contain higher levels of mercury that may harm an unborn baby or young child's developing nervous system.

30) Perhaps in a stroke of progressiveness, the home discouraged forced marriages, advocating against unhappy unions that might harm the baby.

31) If you do get pregnant while you are using the injection, there is no evidence that it will harm the baby.

32) It is not known whether Generic Lioresal (Baclofen) passes into bre-ast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby.

33) It's the politicians who are FINASTERIDE may again be acerb must not handle catamenial or sensory finasteride tablets; the active FINASTERIDE could harm the prodromal baby.

34) Vaccines are generally not recommended because of concerns that the virus or bacteria in the jab could harm the baby in the womb.

35) In a similar manner Palladia may affect blood vessel formation in the developing fetus and may harm an unborn baby (cause birth defects).

36) Some ways STIs can harm the baby include: low birth weight, dangerous infections, brain damage, blindness, deafness, liver problems, or stillbirth .

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