
genetic background in a sentence

1) Individuals differ in their genetic backgrounds and environmental inputs.

2) genetic background is not a factor in susceptibility to tetrodotoxin poisoning.

background collocations
3) Genes determining yeast replicative life span in a long-lived genetic background.

4) We utilized a mouse model of naevus development bred onto many different genetic backgrounds.

genetic background example sentences

5) These provide animals of a known genetic background, an important tool for genetic analyses.

6) The role of genetic background.

7) Heredity (genetic background) and certain unusual virus infections have been suggested as causes.

8) Information about the genetic background of adoptees was measured by data about their biological parents.

9) When populations share genetic background and environmental factors, average height is frequently characteristic within the group.

10) The incidence of pattern baldness varies from population to population and is based on genetic background.

11) This is the genetic background against which scientists tried to uncover and understand the histocompatibility antigens.

12) As a bond, citizenship extends beyond basic kinship ties to unite people of different genetic backgrounds.

13) The seed industry has a large amount of hybrids available on the market with different genetic backgrounds.

14) Thus the Azorean population received a significant contribution from people with genetic backgrounds other than Portuguese.

example sentences with background

15) Race has been reconceptualized as a social construct separate from genetic background, but is that actually appropriate?

16) A 2008 study published on the genetic background of Druze communities in Israel showed highly heterogeneous parental origins.

17) Are we the result of nature (our genetic background) or nurture (our environment)?

18) Schizophrenia is thought to have a substantial genetic background which is, to some extent, population-specific.

19) Some Kabbalist rabbis also believe that Cain and Abel were of a different genetic background than Seth.

20) This technology allows us to measure DNA replication and repair in different genetic backgrounds and under different environmental stresses.

21) AgriGold classifies every one of its hybrids into genetic families based on its genetic background and agronomic characteristics.

22) Why would ovarian cancer occurrence and mortality rates be so similar in women with such different genetic backgrounds and lifestyles?

23) When both the genetic background and environment were judged to be predisposing, 40.0% of male adoptees were criminal.

24) It is important to remember that HLA-typing is relevant when considered in the context of the patient's genetic background.

25) Supplementary Table 1 tabulates the tumor incidence for the strains, and the incidence in the genetic backgrounds discussed below.

26) At the level of human populations, for example, people with different genetic backgrounds may respond quite differently to treatment.

27) genetic background, dietary practices and environmental factors also likely contribute to the incidence of DNA damage and breast cancer risk.

28) The important thing to remember that the remaining 30-60% of cases of depression may have no genetic background.

29) genetic background may contribute to prostate cancer risk, as suggested by associations with race, family, and specific gene variants.

30) However, the Mexican population is mainly conformed by Mestizos, individuals with a genetic background consisting of Amerindian and European contributions.

31) Two hybrids with different genetic backgrounds (Picture 1) can be loaded into the planter and will switch on the go based on a variable hybrid prescription map loaded into the monitor.

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