
fight back in a sentence

1) Taylor fought back before ultimately being defeated 7–6.

2) But the grass roots is fighting back.

3) But the tobacco industry is fighting back.

4) The hardened marine fought back a tear.

fight back example sentences

5) The protagonist must fight back the demonic invaders.

6) Julie fights back but is finally converted.

7) He fought back and eventually returned home.

8) The journalist had recovered and was fighting back.

9) Now owners are fighting back to restore funding .

10) But the sausage industry is fighting back.

11) The bugs are going to fight back.

12) However, the insurance industry is fighting back.

13) By forming action committees, names are starting to fight back.

14) Although weak, the woman fought back.

example sentences with 0

15) The desire to fight back overwhelmed me!

16) Men and women of faith must fight back!

17) Be a real man; fight back!

18) Do you smile patiently or fight back?

19) A kid who is being bullied shouldn't fight back?

20) An infuriated Davis plans to fight back.

21) Cork then fought back with 1–1 without reply.

22) Sally plans to hide and fight back.

23) The guards at ISI building fought back.

24) Now she's coming back fighting fit.

25) Bernice fought back a wave of panic.

26) Morton is crippled and unable to fight back.

27) Miners fought back with stones and pulled police off horses.

How to use 0 in a sentence

28) He fought back and the men ran away.

29) We fight back with our superior intellect.

30) They were taught not to fight back.

31) All very clever, but biology has fought back.

32) You find yourself in defensive postures rather than fighting back.

33) That ability to fight back has been his greatest strength .

34) A pleasure to watch them fight back .

35) We 're fighting back with conservative ideology.

36) Samsung is fighting back with its own complaints .

37) Very few voices in the wilderness fought back .

38) But Redmond is finally starting to fight back .

39) This is a policy I am fighting back against .

40) That beginning is where an armed populace can fight back .

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