
extend backward in a sentence

1) Historians date all pre-Christian events using the Julian scale extended backward.

2) Then, straighten and spread the legs with the top leg extending backward.

backward collocations
3) A dorsal ridge extends backward and ends abruptly just before the end of the chest.

4) The spinous processes which are backward extending are directed upwards in animals without an erect stance.

extend backward example sentences

5) A major part of a vertebra is a backward extending spinous process which projects centrally.

6) The forked crowns of their heads extend backward, well over the length of the thorax.

7) So our view cannot extend further backward in time, though the horizon recedes in space.

8) The athlete has the opponent's right arm straightened out and extended maximally backward at the shoulder joint.

9) The temporal ridge is prominent on the parietal bone, frequently extends forward onto the frontal bone, and in some kinds of mammals extends backward onto the interparietal bone.

10) Only by keeping the wings elevated, or the upper arm extended fully backward, could "Microraptor" have avoided damaging the wing feathers.

11) In many catfish, the "humeral process" is a bony process extending backward from the pectoral girdle immediately above the base of the pectoral fin.

12) The arm that pushes back on takeoff (the arm on the side of the takeoff leg) fully extends backward, rather than remaining at a bent position.

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