
expect backlash in a sentence

1) The expected political backlash came quick and hard.

2) Don't expect this momentary backlash to change anything.

backlash collocations
3) How can they not expect backlash for that ?

4) The expected backlash against neighbouring nations failed to materialise on a massive scale.

expect backlash example sentences

5) Sondheim has said that he expected backlash from the public due to the content.

6) So call a blanket group of people'service users', expect a backlash.

7) I was - while I was hosting this program I was almost expecting a backlash straight away .

8) A savage backlash was expected from the 10,000strong Protestant organisation which has murdered more than 700 people.

9) After Sandy Hook, advocates expected a mighty backlash against legislators standing in the way of common-sense gun laws.

10) I imagine she must be very hard-skinned to keep on writing in spite of the expected backlash against her person .

11) I went on Facebook this weekend to voice my appreciation, and I noticed the expected backlash from her Party.

12) While Watkinson expected backlash from the fans, he said that "they were tremendously understanding about the injury situation".

13) However, due to an expected backlash against Barlow, it received minimal support and airplay and only peaked at number 16.

14) To counter the expected backlash from Poland and France, the Lithuanians looked for an ally in Soviet Russia, which opposed a strong Polish state.

example sentences with backlash

15) This action is being withheld due to the expected backlash to the sight of thousands of kilometres of dead fish floating down to the sea.

16) You probably expected some backlash by fanboys, so I'll meet that expectation and say your reading of Kierkegaard is too reductionistic and it seems you've fallen for the joke of the pseudonyms.

17) If this is one of the reasons going through Microsoft's lofty heads, expect backlash from some areas of the gaming community.

18) I 'm fully expecting a backlash of protest with a drop of sales and many fans will wait and see before committing to renewing, I maybe wrong of course, so let's wait and see what pans out.

19) Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke alerted Tory MPs to expect a public backlash when he went on TV to ram home the message that 'painful' spending decisions had to be accepted by the country.

20) Of course, no one can really plan for how a launch will go, but we're sure Electronic Arts wasn't expecting this much backlash and issues.

21) " Despite the expected backlash, Folk-Dawson stated that "We believe we are doing the right thing.

22) 'Floodgates' of Criticism Beginning to Open, Say Other Generals Other retired generals, such as Marine Lieutenant General Wallace Gregson, expect the backlash against Rumsfeld to continue.

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