economic backdrop in a sentence
1) The global financial and economic backdrop has changed profoundly.
2) This economic backdrop resulted in strong performance for UK commercial property.
backdrop collocations
3) The economic backdrop to this year's Budget is more important than ever.
4) But these are smaller considerations, given the larger economic backdrop of the country.
economic backdrop example sentences
5) The next installment should have more info on the economic backdrop to the student protests.6) The macroeconomic economic backdrop over the past few years was the perfect landscape for real estate investment trusts.
7) Despite a tough economic backdrop, we are making progress," Treasury chief George Osborne said.
8) But has the current global economic backdrop provided some new and compelling reasons to own gold and precious metal equities ?
9) It's with this dismal economic backdrop that Honda will start producing their new executive car from Swindon in October.
10) Against a difficult economic backdrop with recession continuing throughout many of our principal export markets, growth does not come easily.
11) This may be a lot lower than ChinĂ¡s remarkable growth rate but it is still quite impressive against the current global economic backdrop.
12) Market interest in Pacific Quay has remained positive despite a difficult economic backdrop and Scottish Enterprise is progressing discussions with preferred developers on several fronts.
13) Yet 18 months after its signing, and set against the political and economic backdrop of today's Europe, the dangers of persisting with it are smaller than the dangers of scuttling it.
14) It is equally true to say that some of the most incredible business stories share the same theme, with a great many today originating from the rapidly developing economic backdrop that is Africa.
example sentences with backdrop
15) Emirates NBD was raised to buy from neutral by Egyptian investment bank EFG-Hermes, citing attractive valuation and supportive economic backdrop for the latest coverage of the stock.16) Houghton will be casting a fresh pair of eyes on the group, but despite the headwinds of low bond yields and the economic backdrop, we expect a cautiously optimistic message to be conveyed.
17) But the 17 -nation economy is still struggling with record high unemployment and such economic backdrop will not be supportive of the European Central Bank tightening monetary policy anytime soon.
18) But his fourth Budget was delivered against a desperate economic backdrop, with growth forecasts halved this year from 1.2 per cent to just 0.6 per cent.
19) The economic backdrop remains dreadful and there is to be no fundamental change to government thinking on how to bring to an end the weakest recovery from recession in almost a century .
20) "Today's figures show that against a difficult economic backdrop we're helping people to move off benefits and into work.
21) " We know that the decelerating economic backdrop (with inflation measures in check) is supportive of a Fed going unconventionally dovish in unleashing QE style policy if it so chooses.
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