different background in a sentence
1) The badge therefore had a different background colour.
2) Each series bears a different background design.
background collocations
3) different background profiles are used in vehicle construction.
4) All seven women have different backgrounds and personalities.
different background example sentences
5) There are 16 different backgrounds to choose from .6) Such joint relationships could occur between spouses of very different backgrounds.
7) different backgrounds, different beliefs, different styles.
8) Cope and Marsh came from very different backgrounds.
9) Service dogs can come from many different backgrounds.
10) Everyone has a different story, a different background.
11) People from different backgrounds continue to come ou .
12) Buyers have different backgrounds, technical expertise and intelligence levels.
13) We are really similar but come from totally different backgrounds .
14) America was colonized by men of widely different backgrounds and motives.
example sentences with background
15) The software patriarchs came from wildly different backgrounds.16) This period of sparse settlement included colonizers from different backgrounds.
17) We are human and complex, come from different backgrounds.
18) The rest were, came from all sorts of different backgrounds.
19) She related to her, despite their different backgrounds.
20) Their prejudices will be different depending on their different backgrounds.
21) The new employees will normally be of somewhat different backgrounds.
22) They will be from different backgrounds and hate is learned.
23) They have different background colors depending on the year displayed.
24) Here's the same Start screen with three different backgrounds.
25) It's good to experience peoples' different backgrounds.
26) We all come from different backgrounds and beliefs.
27) Does everyone come from a different background in dance?
How to use background in a sentence
28) Your employees come from dozens of different backgrounds and belief systems.29) The game has multiple different backgrounds, depending on where you are.
30) He had attempted to bring about harmony among missionaries of different backgrounds.
31) There are 197 different background images.
32) Harvard Square has an uncanny ability to attract entertainers of different backgrounds.
33) They've come from very different backgrounds with very different degree subjects.
34) Many Scouting activities allow boys to associate with boys from different backgrounds.
35) In here you can purchase five different backgrounds for your lower screen.
36) The book is about women from different backgrounds like philosophy and religion.
37) Both of course come from very different cultures and very different backgrounds.
38) I believe women from different backgrounds and countries have their unique attraction.
39) There are so many different backgrounds and text options to choose from.
40) Translators came from many different backgrounds and translated for many different reasons.
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Complex Sentences with different background
Compound-Complex Sentences with different background