
deprived background in a sentence

1) Nonwhites who are from deprived backgrounds are admissible under the racial quota imposed by California here.

2) Shameless itself came about after the BBC commissioned him to write a drama about his deprived background .

background collocations
3) He said both men came from deprived backgrounds and bore a grudge against the area in which they lived.

4) Whites who are from deprived backgrounds do not qualify for admission under the racial quota imposed by California here.

deprived background example sentences

5) Around one-fifth of those taking the route from college to university come from the country's most deprived backgrounds.

6) The relatively low level of students entering higher education from more deprived backgrounds has been a longstanding problem going back decades.

7) Critics of the latter development charge that it has not increased the number of students from economically deprived backgrounds attending university.

8) Women in prison often have marginalized and socially deprived backgrounds, which place them at high risk of acquiring HIV infection.

9) The episode followed two student political activists from deprived backgrounds, one of whom was former CUCA Committee member Chris Monk.

10) The vast majority of them were entirely innocent of any wrongdoing other than of being from deprived backgrounds or having got pregnant .

11) On the other hand, there is a concerted effort to physically target, terrorise and annihilate Left cadres in the rural areas, particularly those from poor and socially deprived background.

12) It is a pity that some of Braziĺs sporting and musical personalities have not played a role in this campaign since many of them come from deprived backgrounds and would lend credibility.

13) The most remarkable thing is the way in which someone from the most privileged home in the land should strike a chord with those from the most deprived backgrounds.

14) Let us consider the poverty of understanding which a child growing up in a religiously deprived background might have of one of the most evocative concepts in religious language, that of" heaven".

example sentences with background

15) He also began teaching young people from deprived backgrounds how to coach in a community scheme called "Soccer Skills", and later worked in the special education sector.

16) Often it is girls from already deprived backgrounds who end up in such circumstances, and who are less able to cope on their own.

17) Locations along the east coast of England had been scouted by Hodges and Klinger in the spring of 1970, to find a landscape that suggested a "hard, deprived background".

18) As Lib Dem health spokesman before the 2010 election, Mr Lamb envisaged a patient premium, that would see extra funding attached to treating people from deprived backgrounds.

19) The 'hungry fighter theory' - the idea that the best boxers were those from socially deprived backgrounds - is at best an ill-considered half-truth.

20) Two key themes were why some deprived areas saw no trouble while others saw extensive damage, and why some people from similar deprived backgrounds looted while others walked away.

21) Almost no Scots from the most deprived backgrounds, therefore, achieved the exam results that would have given them a chance of studying at Britain's most competitive and prestigious universities.

22) Because nothing you do is really your fault and any transgressions you might commit are rationalized as predictable and thoroughly understandable outcomes of a deprived background .

23) Exclusion of the children from socially deprived backgrounds","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1029302759},

24) To provide the opportunity for children from deprived backgrounds to have breakfast at the Breakfast Club

25) However, the media present a biassed view that denies the validity of intelligence tests and deprives people from poor or deprived backgrounds a chance to develop their abilities

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