
dead baby in a sentence

1) The dead babies were both under three months old.

2) The result is still a dead baby.

baby collocations
3) Days later she was strong enough to find the dead baby.

4) There were autopsies performed on every dead baby and funerals too.

dead baby example sentences

5) Have you ever seen a dead baby, John?

6) The dead baby was brought to him whom he then handled.

7) He later assists Jason in investigating Sam's presumed dead baby.

8) A garland of flowers adorned the head of a dead baby.

9) Yes friends, Tonya and her dead baby are victims.

10) dead mother of a dead baby.

11) She forgot about the dead baby.

12) Pix of dead babies or it never happpened.

13) My great-aunt exchanged me - for my mother's dead baby?

14) A hysterical mother who brough her dead baby to Buddha for help.

example sentences with baby

15) The Edhi Foundation found 1,210 dead babies in 2010.

16) The book on the floor that I was reading: dead babies.

17) Finally, the abortionist extracts the dead baby either intact or in parts.

18) Alfie and the family find the dead baby and believe it is Tommy.

19) Maybe they should have gotten into an area other than benefiting off dead babies .

20) dead babies are dead babies .

21) dead babies are dead babies .

22) Jake asks if he is taking the position that a dead baby excreted meconium.

23) Where did dead babies go?

24) dead babies are nothing new.

25) In his despair, he threw his cloak and went away with the dead baby.

26) In the "Makin" case, rather a lot of dead babies were lying around.

27) I've seen him crying like a child over a dead baby he carried in.

How to use baby in a sentence

28) But as they cuddled the dead baby they realised that it wasn't their child.

29) I well remember her patient sorrow as she held the last dead baby in her arms.

30) Do you really want to keep snogging a guy currently weeping blood over his dead monster baby?

31) Incision were made, the uterus which had surprisingly not ruptured was opened to deliver the dead baby.

32) The adult residents of the home claimed to have no knowledge of the dead babies, police said.

33) The image of the young mother with the now dead baby in D served to highlight this possibility.

34) This is about a dead baby, but their main concern is over getting caught for sub standard care.

35) For example, a man was using a dead baby to try and beg for 'milk money'.

36) A Utah mother was arrested after seven dead babies were found in her garage at her Pleasant Grove residence.

37) The ex-husband found the first dead baby during a round of spring cleaning, and called the police immediately.

38) His beautiful wife crooned a lullaby to her dead baby, her voice growing fainter as death drew near.

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