
create backlog in a sentence

1) The fighting created a backlog of patients that needed surgery.

2) In 2007, 1.38 million people applied for citizenship creating a backlog.

backlog collocations
3) This method created a large backlog of sites in those states that will require remedial action.

4) However, the centres could not keep up with demand, creating a large backlog.

create backlog example sentences

5) The workshop is a focused and hands-on introduction to writing user stories and creating a product backlog.

6) The Filipino nurses are only allocated 2,800 visas per year, thereby creating a backlog among applicants.

7) Like a clogged water pipe, excess input will only create a backlog and spillover at the source.

8) The Clinton administration ignored it because of a processing backlog created when nearly 1 million applicants skipped the question.

9) The massive urban migration has placed further strain on the country's ageing water infrastructure and created a large backlog.

10) And because candidates who are not chosen are expunged from the pool, EOI will not create a backlog.

11) But this new program also created a large backlog of high priority oceanographic, hydrographic, and geophysical survey requirements.

12) Last year's foreclosure processing delays created an enormous backlog of properties yet to be processed and are just now being restarted.

13) A generation of building new roads, while neglecting the old ones, has created a maintenance backlog of tens of millions of dollars.

14) Your salespeople might be stuck in the comfort zone of creating safe, but boring, pitches, or your ad designer might be creating a backlog because she's a prisoner of perfectionism.

example sentences with backlog

15) Of course, creating a backlog has an additional side effect of helping you not over-produce since you respond to the pull of the demand backlog.

16) Another factor that contributes to this is if the office lets people book "emergency" appointments during the day, which creates an even longer backlog.

17) Teachers could not renew or receive new licenses during the shutdown, creating a backlog, and property tax levy approvals could have been delayed.

18) O'Reilly opposed the nationalized health care plan that filmmaker Michael Moore argues for in his film "Sicko", saying it would create huge backlogs.

19) As a result of the new US policy, the demand for passports grew rapidly creating a backlog which caused lengthy delays for passport reception.

20) There is great demand for the services of these homes but lack of federal and state funding has created a backlog of well over 130 homes that are waiting to be built.

21) His choice of topics are usually spontaneous, with his low rate of production creating a backlog of videos he would like to make.

22) The city began dedicating funds for sidewalk repairs in 2000, but the backlog created by the twenty-six year repair hiatus is severe.

23) This creates a backlog for equipment needing maintenance, which is further compounded by the lack of investment in modernizing or replacing old equipment.

24) By continuing to cancel training for non-deploying personnel, we will create a backlog of training requirements that could take years to recover from.

25) The backlogs were created by a lack of resources to deal with the high numbers of foster care orders, including overcrowded court rolls and overburdened social workers.

26) A surge in disability claims with fewer judges to handle appeals of rejected ones has created a backlog, with wait times of 375 days on average, according to government audits.

27) CSRC has restricted approvals for listings since June last year, creating a backlog of more than 800 applicants and operating pressures on investment banks advising share listings.

28) While rising trans-shipment activity in Bahrain is proving to be a key growth area, its expansion has created a backlog across the King Fahd Causeway (KFCW) to Saudi Arabia.

29) ), and created a backlog of repairs.

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