
create a backlash in a sentence

1) This has created a backlash in some states .

2) The self-serving constitutional changes had created a backlash against the Shah.

backlash collocations
3) In a democracy, legislation by stealth will always create a backlash.

4) Might it not create a backlash?

create a backlash example sentences

5) The coup attempt created a backlash against its perpetrators, including the shah.

6) as a result it has been seen as helping to create a backlash against the genre.

7) These two factors have created a backlash not seen towards Ewing in his first years .

8) The announcement that Couchsurfing had become a for-profit corporation created a backlash from the core members.

9) Even moderate amounts of alcohol can disturb sleep or create a backlash of sleeplessness later in the night.

10) Well, it turns out the boycott did create a backlash -- but it was a political one.

11) Critics also are concerned about what the petition does not say. ...it could create a backlash.

12) On the contrary, moving towards some kind of federalism without support from the citizens will surely create a backlash.

13) Do you think that this reality creates a backlash the way the website roll out created a bit of a backlash?

14) Fears are growing that instead of reining in the extremist organisation, the crackdown on the group may ultimately create a backlash.

example sentences with backlash

15) I fear if we just promote coming off meds as the solution then we are setting up a backlash just like promoting taking meds as the solution creates a backlash.

16) a revolt against Bush would likely have also created a backlash that may have prevented Obama from getting elected or a democratic sweep of the senate, which appears very likely.

17) Then, the new City Council went on to approve so many poorly designed sub-divisions that it created a backlash in the community.

18) In a move that is creating a backlash across the UK, British children will be among the first to receive an untested swine flu vaccine.

19) I've also been concerned that public anger about these boondoggles would create a backlash not only against paper companies but also against major buyers of paper, such as magazine publishers.

20) The huge emphasis on OSU athletics has also created a backlash against the Buckeyes such that there is a sizable fanbase in Central Ohio for OSU's arch-rivals, the Michigan Wolverines.

21) The great success of some Japanese export industries created a backlash in other countries, either because of their success per se or because of allegations of unfair competitive practices.

22) Urban sprawl created a backlash in many urban areas, with the local governments limiting growth beyond certain boundaries, reducing lot sizes for building homes, and so on.

23) The witnesses invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, and when Stevens verbally abused one of them, it created a backlash that caused his own party to end the investigation.

24) Donovan won £200,000 in damages and the magazine had to pay a further £100,000 in costs, but the lawsuit created a backlash with people accusing him of being homophobic.

25) The genre lost mainstream interest in the late 1980s as the perceived excesses of glam metal created a backlash against the genre.

26) The proliferation of new religious houses in towns that were already struggling to cope was an unwelcome prospect, creating a backlash from local townspeople to nobility and diocesan clergy.

27) This created a backlash, and when DEMa relented, a number of organizations took the opportunity to present nitrox workshops outside the show.

28) This rapid modernization though, created a backlash, and a reactionary uprising known as the "Khost rebellion" which was suppressed in 1924.

29) Al-Shabaab commanders realized a crackdown by law enforcement on Somali interests in Kenya would be devastating to the Somali business community, creating a backlash against it in Somalia.

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